
USA 2017-2020: An Ungovernable Nation?

October 11, 2016 0

Charles Hugh Smith The only way to govern successfully is to actually solve the underlying systemic problems, but doing that requires overthrowing a corrupt, self-serving elite. Regardless of who wins the presidency, a much larger […]


The Flu Shot Remains The Most Dangerous Vaccine

October 10, 2016 0

Based on Injuries and Deaths Compensated by Government By Health Impact News The US Department of Justice issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (Click on “Meeting […]


Can A World War Still Be Avoided?

October 10, 2016 0

Events around the Syrian crisis are accelerating, and reveal the depth of the conflict between the Atlantist camp and the Russo-Chinese block. After having observed the growing risk of a generalised war – conventional or […]


Why Democracy Rewards Bad People

October 7, 2016 0

One of the most widely accepted propositions among political economists is the following: Every monopoly is bad from the viewpoint of consumers. Monopoly is understood in its classical sense to be an exclusive privilege granted […]

World Affairs

Who Will Exit the EU Next?

October 7, 2016 0

Like all political constructions, the European Union should be considered a momentary entity in the vast expanse of history.(-/AFP/Getty Images) By Adriano Bosoni The European Union’s future has been up for debate since the Continent’s […]

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