World Affairs

Who Will Exit the EU Next?

October 7, 2016 0

Like all political constructions, the European Union should be considered a momentary entity in the vast expanse of history.(-/AFP/Getty Images) By Adriano Bosoni The European Union’s future has been up for debate since the Continent’s […]

World Affairs


October 4, 2016 0

After five years of war in Syria, the masks have come off. The publication of the text of the Russo-US agreement reveals the hidden intentions of the two great powers – Washington wants to cut […]

World Affairs

The Pretence Of Peace

September 22, 2016 0

While the cease-fire in Syria, drawn up by the US Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart, seemed to be holding – apart from the Israëli violations on the first day – the Pentagon attacked […]

World Affairs

Why The EU Is Doomed

September 20, 2016 0

09/16/2016 Alasdair Macleod We are accustomed to looking at Europe’s woes in a purely financial context. This is a mistake, because it misses the real reasons why the EU will fail and not survive the next […]

World Affairs

Bratislava – The Petty Summit

September 19, 2016 0

The 27 States who want to remain in the European Union met in Bratislava (Slovakia) for a separate summit – which means without the United Kingdom. They were there to think about their common project, […]

World Affairs

Not All Silk Roads Are Created Equal

September 16, 2016 0

“Trans-Caspian International Transport Route unlikely to see high-volume PRC adoption in the near term due to insufficient business and geopolitical value prop” by Mister Unknown Several months ago, there were quite a few news/analysis reports […]

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