Migration, Globalism, Traditional Cultures, and the Individual

Dialectic history and the third force

Time is very long

by Jon Rappoport

January 19, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

In preparing my first collection, The Matrix Revealed, I made the following side-note:

“In the dialectical view of history, you have a force that gives rise to its opposite. The two forces then compete, thus creating a third new force—which gives rise to its opposite and competes with it, giving birth to yet a new force, and so forth, on and on, as the process continues. You could visualize it as a series of triangles piled on top of each other. This dialectical analysis has merit, either as a picture of how history operates, or as a portrait of how history is intentionally manipulated by elites. However, it is incomplete. It doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s a kind of shorthand. What it leaves out is the most important thing of all.”

Globalism fully intends to create one integrated planet under a top-down, locked-down political and economic management system, backed up by coercion.

In order to achieve this goal, as I’ve written before, the notion of separate nations must be eradicated.

The primary goal of the provoked chaos in the Middle East and parts of Africa is: redraw that whole territory and push waves of immigrants into the West, primarily Europe.

Re-work the population-demographics of Europe so no nation looks as it once did. Flood the continent with immigrants. Drown traditional cultures and ethnic identities. Eventually, make it easy to have a nationless Europe, broken from its past.

Consider this Globalist operation a dialectical force. What it gives rise to—its opposite—is a reborn resistance of groups formed around national and ethnic identities, traditional and even ancient cultures. You can see this happening in Europe now.

Whether you like it or don’t like it, it’s taking place. This is the coming struggle of two forces. What they will give rise to—the new force—is open to analysis and speculation.

But for many centuries, something else has been happening in Europe. Something vitally important. Its progress has not been even. There have been severe setbacks. The “upward trend” has been anything but smooth. You can trace part of it by studying the declining power of kings and the rise of “rights of the people.” This movement has not been a church. It hasn’t been a single unified group at all. It flared up in England, France, Germany, and other countries, died down, and was resuscitated again, in stronger forms.

It eventually took on clearer features.

Its substance and goal was the emancipation of the individual.

Freedom, liberty, choice, power—at the level of the single human being, not the group.

And along with that freedom was the tacit and necessary conclusion that the individual could create his own future and existence, apart not only from a ruling force, but also apart from any tradition he did not choose to adhere to.

This was heady material, to say the least. It was revolutionary on every level. And it wasn’t popular with any government, or any group that looked to the past for its identity.

Nevertheless, the “movement” advanced. In many cases, artists paved the way. So did certain philosophers.

—The free and independent and creative individual—

By the dawn of the 20th century, that idea was firmly entrenched.

The problem was, most people couldn’t handle it. Particularly the creative aspect. The implication was rather staggering on a metaphysical level: the individual invents reality.

This concept wasn’t backed by any establishment. It didn’t rely on ancient myths of cultures. It didn’t merge with religions. In fact, it stood against the unthinking Group.

The concept continued, and continues, to exist on the margins of society. It is not part of the ongoing dialectic.

Its power is considerable, however, since it derives from the fact that the individual is, at his invisible core, all these things: free, independent, creative, and powerful. Come hell or high water.

Understood in this light, he does not enter into the dialectical process. He does not automatically give rise to his opposite. He doesn’t dive into the machine-like production of history.

The individual endures.

He can and does form relationships, of course, but not at the expense of his own mind, spirit, psyche, intelligence, imagination, and creative power. These are not auctioned away.

So it stands to reason that his dreams and solutions and answers and enterprises and battles are not bound by predictable patterns. He is the ultimate wild card.

Time is very long. As the dialectic plays out, struggles, and transforms, the individual will, as always, stand at the center.

After all, the machinations of opposition are, unconsciously, about him. He, in his free state, is the goal. He is where history goes, and departs from, with its waves of avoidance and embrace.

Each time the wave breaks on the shore and sweeps away, it leaves a few more free individuals, who have awakened from the trance.

The social creature called Man concocts more and more reasons to forget his essential nature, but the individual, stripped of amnesia and fear, returns to himself.

Taking stock of his capacity, he embarks on a voyage of creation. Reality and history, such as they are, provide a mere perspective, out of which he emerges.

If there are great myths, they are of his own invention. He is the poet of his own consciousness.

This is the signal of an authentic new dawn.

There are some people who hear the word CREATE and wake up, as if a new flashing music has begun.

This lone word makes them see something majestic and untamed and astonishing.

They feel the sound of a Niagara approaching.

They suddenly know why they are alive.

99% of the world has been trained like rats to adore systems. Give them a system and they’re ready to cuddle up and take it all in.

Maybe you once saw something truly free that didn’t care about consequences, and it blew you away and turned on your soul’s electricity for an hour.

CREATE is a word that should be oceanic. It should shake and blow apart the pillars of the smug boredom of the soul.

CREATE is about what the individual does when he is on fire and doesn’t care about concealing it. It’s about what the individual invents when he has thrown off the false front that is slowly strangling him.

CREATE is about the end of mindless postponement. It’s about what happens when you burn up the pretty and petty little obsessions. It’s about emerging from the empty suit and empty machine of society that goes around and around and sucks away the vital bloodstream.

People come to the brink, and then say, “I’m waiting for orders. I’m looking for a sign. I want the signal that it’s okay to proceed.”

People pretend they don’t know anything about imagination, about how “it operates” (as if it were a machine), about what it can do, about where it can go, about how it can take them into new territory. They feign ignorance.

“I want to stay the same, and I’ll do anything to maintain that.”

It’s a test of loyalty. Do you want to remain faithful to an idea that is just a small piece of what you can be, or do you want to take the greater adventure?

The propaganda machines of society relentlessly turn out images and messages that ultimately say: YOU MUST BELONG TO THE GROUP.

Day after day after day, year after year, the media celebrate heroes. They inevitably interview these people to drag out of them the same old familiar stories. Have you EVER, even once, seen a hero who told an interviewer in no uncertain terms: “I got to where I am by denying the power of the group”?

Have you ever heard that kind of uncompromising statement?

I didn’t think so.

Why not?

Because it’s not part of the BELONGING PROGRAM, the program that society runs on to stay away from the transforming power of IMAGINATION.

The individual and his imagination are beyond any dialectic.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.


exit from the matrix

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