
Can Trump Still Avoid War with Iran?

September 20, 2019 0

September 19, 2019 by Patrick J. Buchanan A more fundamental question arises: If the United States was not attacked, why is it our duty to respond militarily to an attack on Saudi Arabia? President Donald Trump does […]


How the War Party Broke Trump

May 30, 2019 0

He’s the closest thing we’ve had to an antiwar president in 40 years—but the entrenched interests have proven too strong. By ANDREW J. BACEVICH U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, President Trump and National Security […]


Behold the breathtaking weakness of the Empire!

May 1, 2019 0

[this article was written for the Unz Review] The Empire has suffered painful defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq, but one has to admit that these are “tough” countries to crack.  The Empire also appears to have […]