Let the Blue Cities Die – TBP
by Kurt Schlichter The Democrat cities are urine-soaked hellholes that reek of pot where criminals stalk unmolested while the full fury of what is supposed to be the law hangs over the head of any citizen […]
by Kurt Schlichter The Democrat cities are urine-soaked hellholes that reek of pot where criminals stalk unmolested while the full fury of what is supposed to be the law hangs over the head of any citizen […]
Simon Black By the early 300s AD, ancient Rome’s population was in significant decline. Modern historians haven’t nailed down a precise number for Rome’s population— and estimates vary— but the clear consensus is that […]
ROD DREHER Last weekend in Chicago, there were 54 shootings, five of them fatal. This was one of the fatal shootings. Warning: it’s graphic: https://twitter.com/d_shavo/status/1406700940837728261?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1406700940837728261%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theamericanconservative.com%2Fdreher%2Fcrime-chicago-escape-from-woke-metropolises-soros%2F Look at these two dirtbags, just standing there filming it: […]
The California-led states look a lot like the western half of the Roman empire heading into the 5th century. By Robert Lopez December 16, 2020 The curious case of Texas v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was a short-lived but portentous controversy. […]
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