
America’s War on its Own Democracy

July 29, 2020 1

The military-industrial complex’ appetite for endless conflict eats away at freedom and representative government By WILLIAM J. ASTOREJULY 27, 2020   The phrase “thinking about the unthinkable” has always been associated with the unthinkable cataclysm of a nuclear […]


D is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy

May 14, 2019 0

John W. WHITEHEAD “When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people […]


The Demise of Democracy

March 29, 2019 0

by Raúl Ilargi Meijer Leonardo da Vinci Vitruvian man c1510Leonardo wrote: “Vitruvius, architect, writes in his work on architecture that the measurements of man are distributed in this manner”: The length of the outspread arms is equal to […]


Homo Credulus

February 7, 2019 0

by Joel Bowman Man: He’ll go along with just about anything. Given the right circumstances… a little programing… and enough time for it all to marinate in his soft, mammalian brain… there is almost nothing Homo Credulus will […]


The Citizen In A Democratic Empire

January 25, 2019 0

The Z Man When most people think of citizenship, they think of their nation’s constitution or the rights guaranteed to them in the law. They will think of their obligations to their country, like paying […]


How a Free Market Inevitably Produces Dictatorship

August 22, 2018 0

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Who rules the land? A deeper and truer version of this question is: What rules the land? Is it the money (the aristocracy), or is it the people (the public, the residents on […]


Democracy, Tortured Meaning of the Wrong Word

October 12, 2017 0

by Jimmie Moglia Politicians, much like advertisers, are ever ready to surprise the unawareness of the thoughtless. They must use language, the quintessential political tool, with a tone of deep-felt conviction and an air of solemn […]


The New Totalitarianism

September 29, 2016 0

Nelson Hultberg It is vitally important for Americans to understand that the collectivist dictatorship of the future (that writers like Aldous Huxley and George Orwell were warning us about) is not going to take over […]

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