
Who Will Answer?

November 16, 2021 0

Why on earth would any American with a functioning brain believe what he /she /they is being told by the public health officialdom, the politicians, or the news media? For two years, they have lied […]


The Great Big Delta Scare

July 5, 2021 0

Raúl Ilargi Meijer Why the Delta scare? As a virus mutates, it becomes more contagious and less lethal. And then eventually it mostly disappears. Many voices claim that Delta will be with us for a […]


Catastrophe Is All Around Us

January 6, 2021 0

Jeffrey A. Tucker  – January 5, 2021 As a naturally optimistic person, it vexes me that the word catastrophe has echoed in my mind since early March 2020. It’s the word the great smallpox eradicator […]

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