World Affairs

How Washington Intends to Triumph

June 24, 2020 0

During the quarter of Western lock-down, the map of the Middle East was profoundly transformed. Yemen has been divided into two separate countries, Israel is paralyzed by two Prime Ministers who hate each other, Iran […]


The Muslim Spring, take II

July 6, 2017 0

by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi In a previous article titled “A Muslim Spring” published on the Saker, on the 12th of June 2017, the analysis of the then recent Qatar standoff took us into the direction of whether […]

World Affairs

Adjustments in the Middle East

June 22, 2017 0

As the Middle Eastern States split between the partisans and adversaries of clericalism, Washington, Moscow and Beijing are negotiating a new deal. Thierry Meyssan evaluates the impact of this earthquake on the Palestinian, Iraqi-Syrian and […]

World Affairs

A Muslim Spring

June 12, 2017 0

by Ghassan Kadi As the world citizens watch with horror the escalation between the USA and Russia on one hand and with China on the other hand, and as they fear the worst; a nuclear […]