Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop…
Do you feel like another major crisis could erupt at any moment? If so, you are certainly not alone. Here in 2020, it has just been one thing after another, and we have come to […]
Do you feel like another major crisis could erupt at any moment? If so, you are certainly not alone. Here in 2020, it has just been one thing after another, and we have come to […]
October 15, 2020 by Michael Snyder The mainstream media keeps trying to convince us that things are about to get a whole lot better for the U.S. economy, but instead they just keep getting worse. On Thursday, […]
August 27, 2020 by Michael Snyder The Labor Department announced on Thursday that another 1.006 million Americans filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week. Prior to this year, the all-time record for a single week was […]
August 19, 2020 by Michael Snyder The one that you serve the most is the one that you really worship. In America today, we don’t actually get down on our knees and pray to our stock market […]
August 5, 2020 by Michael Snyder You may have noticed that food prices have started to go up very aggressively. I repeatedly warned my readers that this is precisely what would happen, and more price increases are […]
July 23, 2020 by Michael Snyder Even though economic conditions were absolutely awful, during the month of June the mainstream media kept insisting that the U.S. economy was “recovering” and the stock market kept surging on every […]
July 7, 2020 by Michael Snyder The recession of 2008 and 2009 was bad, but it was nothing like this. Even though this new economic downturn is only a few months old, we are already seeing numbers […]
May 28, 2020 by Michael Snyder What we have been witnessing on the streets of Minneapolis is just the beginning. Our nation is so deeply divided, and a large portion of the population is losing faith […]
May 10, 2020 by Michael Snyder For a long time I warned that our economic bubble would burst and that we would plunge into a nightmarish economic collapse. Now it has happened, and it turns out that […]
May 7, 2020 by Michael Snyder Now we are up to 33.5 million jobs lost. In just 7 weeks, the U.S. economy has been completely turned upside down, and the numbers are unlike anything that we have […]
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