
Institutional Fish

October 24, 2014 0

The Automatic Earth   Jack Delano. Cars being precooled at the ice plant, San Bernardino, CA Mar 1943  Large and/or institutional investors, your pension funds, your market funds, you name them, have one glaringly obvious and immense […]

World Affairs

Soros and the CIA Now Banking on Neves to Defeat Rousseff

October 23, 2014 0

by Wayne Madsen Arminio Fraga Neto with Aecio Neves After the corporate media and the CIA and George Soros manipulators tried to engineer Green Party-turned-Brazilian Socialist presidential candidate Marina Silva into the Brazilian presidency after the […]


Why I Will Not Submit To Medical Martial Law

October 23, 2014 0

By Brandon Smith One of the most dangerous philosophical contentions even amongst liberty movement activists is the conundrum of government force and prevention during times of imminent pandemic. All of us at one time or another […]


How The Federal Reserve Is Purposely Attacking Savers

October 23, 2014 0

But bungling badly as it does by Chris Martenson There’s something we ‘regular’ citizens wrestle with that the elites never seem to: a sense of moral duty. For example, following the collapse of the housing bubble, […]

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