
Fox News: The mob did not win!

January 12, 2021 0

FoxNews finally showed its true face during the election steal when it declared that Trump had lost the election long before any evidence in support of this thesis materialized. It is now abundantly clear that […]


Is America’s Future a Civil War?

January 11, 2021 0

Will it become a world war? Paul Craig Roberts As a person who grew up in the glorious aftermath of World War II, it never occurred to me that in my later years I would […]


The coming ‘woke’ American Theocracy

January 8, 2021 1

Simon Black Over a two day period in late March of 1979, the people of Iran held a groundbreaking referendum to turn their country into a theocratic Islamic Republic where the religious leaders ruled supreme. […]


America’s Color Revolution – Paul Craig Roberts

January 8, 2021 0

Pandering to the Establishment Now Ubiquitous Paul Craig Roberts The Establishment has imposed a color revolution on the American people.  Ekaterina Blinova is a journalist who reognized that a color revolution has occurred in America under […]

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