
Why Does the Public Tolerate its Biological Warfare?

June 12, 2020 0

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog As Jeffrey A. Lockwood recounted in his 2008 book Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War, the first four nations that pioneered biological warfare were during the 1930s — Hitler’s […]


The Basics of a Staged Bioterror Event

December 22, 2015 0

by Jon Rappoport (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.) “Dr. Hognose Detrick of the US Biological Warfare Group waddled into a meeting room, where a collection of Army, CIA, NSA, […]


Monsanto Earnings Fall 34% as Farmers Reject GMO Crops

January 13, 2015 0

By Mike Barrett The biotech giant Monsanto, which is responsible for genetically modifying much of the nation’s and world’s crops, announced that its earnings fell 34% in its first fiscal quarter as South American farmers reject […]

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