David Tulis
Editor’s Note: Call it whatever you want — “Solar Radiation Management,” “Sky Striping,” “Geoengineering,” “Weather Modification,” or “Chemtrails” — regardless, the devastating outcome on the planet and its creatures remains the same.
The disk from the federal government contains two files. The data covers two days in 2014 that I am reviewing as I cover Chattanooga’s biggest environmental and health story of the past 25 years.
On the disk are two files. One is 27,542 lines deep in 13 columns. It tells the story of what happened in the claw-streaked skies over Chattanooga on Oct. 19, 2014, a Sunday.
The first jet flight on the list, with beacon code 7122, is covered in 1,287 data points. That narrative is so unwieldy to account for the jet’s shifting longitude and latitude in its flight over Chattanooga.
A second file describes Nov. 2, another Lord’s Day. The database is 23,467 lines deep in 13 columns. It creates 305,071 data points from which I am to draw conclusions about the stratospheric aerosol geoengineering program that I suspect is a major source of air pollution in Southeast Tennessee.
The data is for civilian flights only. An FAA systems operations services acting vice president says in a March 12 letter he’ll get back to me about military overflights of Chattanooga these two days and will send me information after obtaining permission. Sky striping is poisonous to the air, but outside regulatory authority.
(Read much more at The Chattanoogan)
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Contributed by David Tulis of The Chattanoogan.
– See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/exposure-of-sky-striping-program-will-come-through-local-economy_042015#sthash.9cFeWWp6.dpuf
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