Florida GOP: Jab is a bioweapon



Via State of the Nation

Covid Vax Truth Florida Breaks Out Into
The Open—Unprecedented Disclosures
About Big Pharma & Big Govt
Criminal Collusion

The Republican Party in eight counties throughout the State of Florida have now issued official statements declaring the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ a deliberately manufactured “bioweapon”.

The GOP In 8 Florida Counties Have
Passed “BAN THE JAB” Resolutions

The most recent Florida County GOP to issue an official statement is the Brevard County Republican Executive Committee (BREC).  The following assertions were made by the BREC in their letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis.


The committee explained that recent “strong and credible evidence” revealed both COVID-19 and the vaccine “are biological and technological weapons.”

“Whereas Pfizer’s clinical data revealed 1.223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects. Whereas an enormous number of humans have died and or have been permanently disabled. Whereas strong and credible evidence exists that COVID-19 mRNA shots alter human DNA,” the letter continued. “Whereas government agencies, media and tech companies, and other corporations, have committed enormous fraud by claiming COVID-19 injections are safe and effective.”

“On behalf of the preservation of the human race, the Brevard County Republican Party calls upon Governor DeSantis and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of COVID-19 injections and all related injections in the state of Florida, and for the state Attorney General to immediately seize all COVID-19 injections and mRNA injections in the state of Florida and have a forensic analysis conducted to determine if the ingredients pose a danger to recipients,” the letter added.
(CBS News Source: County GOP: COVID-19 vaccine is a bioweapon)

On top of this rapidly evolving development and unparalleled governmental initiative to hold Big Pharma and Big Govt accountable for so much intentional ‘vaccine’-induced death and injury, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has formally requested a grand jury to determine exactly what laws were broken by all the mRNA vaccine-producing pharmaceutical companies who have manufactured the Covid ‘vaccine’ bioweapons.

Gov. Ron DeSantis’ mRNA COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ grand jury is conducting a criminal investigation into deaths and injuries caused by Pfizer and Moderna.

Alt Media truth-telling

Make no mistake, it was only because of the relentless COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ truth-telling by a vast segment of the Alt Media that this tremendous success has occurred.

In point of fact, the following graph further demonstrates the extraordinary power and influence that the Alt Media had on the termination of the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda worldwide.  Had the highest level perpetrators behind the weaponized Covid injections gotten their way, the graph below would have shown those 2021 vaccination rates throughout the entire decade; instead, the Alt Media effectively killed the trajectory at the beginning of 2023.

More to follow —


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