It Began With Nixon – Eric Peters

by Eric Peters

What’s going on right now began with Nixon.


Unloved by the people who actually run (as opposed to fronting) the federal government, Nixon was removed from office by one of them, with assistance from many others. The man was Mark Felt, better-known by his alias, “Deep Throat.” He was deputy assistant director of the FBI and passed over by Nixon for the top spot. For this – and not for anything else that merited it – Nixon had to pay.

Not for creating arguably one of the most pernicious federal “agencies” – as the tentacles of the federal apparat are styled. The one he added being the Environmental Protection Agency, which stopped protecting the environment about 30 years ago and since that time has been using that excuse to protect itself and its power to “regulate” – i.e., effectively dictate – which kinds of vehicles Americans will be allowed to buy and how much it’s going to cost them.

Not for setting in motion the transition of the medical profession into the “health care” industry – via Health Maintenance Organizations. Which never “maintained” anyone’s “health” but did vastly enrich the “health care” industry at the expense of countless millions of people’s health. As well as at their expense, on top of that. Instead of paying to see the doctor, people now pay for coverage. You can thank Nixon for that.

His inheritors simply made it mandatory.

Nixon also went to China – as if legitimizing and colluding with the mass-murdering Communists who controlled that country was a good thing for the people of this country. You can see the results for yourself – at Wal Mart.

And everywhere else.

Nixon was able to “open the door” – as it was styled, favorably – because Nixon was portrayed as anti-Communist and “tough.” This shut up anti-Communist conservatives – who would have been much harder to silence if, say, it had been a “liberal” who went to China. Just as conservatives in our time have been silent for the most part about the Orange Man’s “warp speeding” of those “beautiful” drugs that were never vaccines into pre-arranged existence (no new drug gets developed from scratch in a matter of mere months).

There is also the business of de-coupling the dollar from any connection to gold – thereby eviscerating the value of the dollar, which has become nearly worthless relative to what it was worth before Nixon. It is no accident that since Nixon, the cost of living has gone ballistic – in tandem with the devaluation of the buying power of the now-entirely-fiat dollar corrupted by Tricky Dick into a mere piece of paper and worth not much more than that.

Nixon, in simple terms, deserved the opprobrium he’s been draped with. He was a crook – and worse than that. Crooks, after all, generally only take money under false pretenses. Nixon took something much more valuable than money from the American people. He took away much of what what was once America.

But that is not why he was ignominiously obliged to resign his office in 1974.

Nixon was ousted by an internal coupe engineered by federal apparatchiks such as Mark Felt, who fed scurrilous information to a pair of useful idiot stenographers working for The Washington Post, the American iteration of Pravda. They revealed in a series of articles that Nixon lied.

Oh, the humanity!

As if Nixon – as if any politician, ever – told the truth.

And the lies he told were to “cover up” routine election shenanigans undertaken by underlings on his behalf prior to the 1972 presidential election, which Nixon won easily. There was the famous break-in at the Watergate Hotel, where the underlings rifled through the desks of Democrat Party offices. As if such things were never done before by the underlings of both parties.

But it served as the means for getting Nixon, who – like the Orange Man – was useful to the people who actually run the government but had outlived his usefulness. Or had annoyed the wrong people, which amounts to the same thing. So, they got Nixon – on a technicality. Not for anything substantive, such as his creation of a Golem-like federal “agency” that has no plausible constitutional legitimacy. Not for “opening the door” – to America – for Communist China.

Not for turning medicine into a money-grubbing cartel that now owns the government, having acquired the money to pay for it.

Not for doing to the value of the dollar what was done to the value of the Deutschmark in Weimar-era Germany and probably assuring a similar fate will shortly befall this country.

Those crimes being the ones we’re not supposed to notice.

Similarly, Orange Man has never been charged with the crimes he committed while in office, including but not limited to the “warp speeding” of those “beautiful” drugs subsequently pushed on millions of people, many of whom were effectively forced to take them – in particular, those in the military, whom Orange Man pretends to love so very much.

Instead, he has been pursued with Inspector Javert-like relentlessness over nonsense such as “defaming” a woman who publicly claimed (but never proved) she was sexually assaulted by the Orange Man some 30 years ago. And for overstating the value of his holdings, but “defrauding” no one.

Not because he defrauded the American people.

It’s all for sure, in other words. And it all began a long time ago.


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