Revolver News has obtained screenshots of unpublished emails from Hunter’s hard drive suggesting a dramatic falling out between Hunter and his business partner:
The substance of this email pertains to Hunter’s holdings in a Chinese private equity firm BHR. Revolver has covered BHR in previous articles as follows:
There is no apparent reason for HUNTER’s participation in the BHR partnership other than political payoff and influence. Virtually all financial investors or partners are state policy entities, state owned entities, or only nominally private. The investments flow primarily to Chinese state backed projects or firms. The financial terms, where we have been able to locate specific deal terms, engage in non-normal business practices designed to funnel fees and assets to benefit a specific party.
BHR is a state managed operation. Leading shareholder Bohai is a Bank of China subsidiary, and BHR’s partners are Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) that funnel revenue/assets to BHR. [Revolver]
Here, Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin acknowledges the existence of special loans from BHR to US shareholders. The obvious question is, did all US shareholders get such loans, or only special shareholders? And what makes the special shareholders special? It is interesting that Eric Schwerin goes out of his way to attribute this to Hunter in writing.
Eric Schwerin demonstrates a curious eagerness to pay back the $150k BHR loan. It is not clear that this is from disbursements as described in the previous mail. A source has suggested to Revolver News that Eric became concerned with the nature of the loans and wanted to wrap up his own personal involvement with BHR. This is merely informed speculation, but it is consistent with other e-mails from Schwerin that Revolver staff has seen.
The following e-mail suggests Schwerin is ready to be done with Hunter, offering to buy him out of the Rosemont Seneca Partnership entirely:
Hunter’s reply to the e-mail suggests a strained relationship to say the least.
Whatever the reason for Schwerin’s falling out with Hunter Biden, it underscores the pattern whereby just about everyone who has done business with Hunter either despises him, is in jail, or both.
This raises a question as to Hunter’s relationship with business partner Christopher Heinz. Heinz is the son-in-law of former Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry. The firm mentioned in the email, Rosemont Seneca, is named after the Heinz family farm.
Inquiring minds would like to know the status of Christopher Heinz, how his relationship with Hunter has developed, and what if any culpability Heinz might have in the shady dealings with Rosemont and BHR. Revolver staff is actively investigating, and readers can expect prompt updates if and when we obtain more emails that offer insight into Hunter’s business dealings.
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