Save Yourself While You Still Can


By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

Dave Hodges December 26, 2013 The Common Sense Show  The sheep of this country are attempting to get along by going along. However, despite our national capitulation to the New World Order, we are not adapting well as a people. Americans have miserably failed to adjust to our changing status and are paying a steep emotional price for our slide into tyranny while on our way to becoming a third world country. A good day for most Americans is a day where we avoid a catastrophe instead of celebrating our accomplishments. Americans are increasingly a miserable people. We are most certainly the most stressed out people on the planet. Perhaps the biggest slap in the face comes from the fact that the media controllers of today’s society are teaching us to love our servitude instead of inspiring us to reach for the stars. However, this acceptance is not sitting well with America and it is showing up in our collective health.  Did you know that despite paying the most for healthcare, our lifespan is only 51st in the world? Even some third world countries live longer than we do, according to the CIA fact book of 2012. The biggest reason for the decline in our national health, relative to other countries, is the high amount of stress that we are experiencing as a people. Much of the stress we are experiencing comes from trying to find a level of homeostasis in the midst of experiencing personal, emotional and spiritual subjugation. The rubber band can only be stretched so far till it breaks.

Man Was Born to Be Free

There is an emotional and mental health price to pay when a person forsakes individual control over their life, for it is in our DNA to be free. When people are not free, they suffer emotionally, psychologically, spirituality and physically. In America, we have lost our freedom. As a result, psychosomatic illnesses are at an all-time high. The research of health psychologists has revealed that it is psychological factors which constitutes the number one contributor to nearly all forms of illness from cancer to heart disease. Just the nature of the word, disease, or dis ease, speaks to this undeniable fact.  In a ground breaking study in the 1970′s, Steven Bramwell demonstrated that this principle even applied to college football players as he demonstrated that the members with Stanford football team who experienced the most stress, sustained the most injuries related to their sport. That same year, Japanese cardiologists demonstrated the same relationship with heart disease and stress and hence, the term psychosomatic illness came into vogue in the field of health psychology.

Conspiracy of Silence

You don’t hear a lot about the mental/emotional aspects of disease because there is no money in it for Big Pharma and Big Pharma writes the medical school curriculums. Whether, or not, the pill companies want the tried and true principles of health and well-being taught to medical school students as a prelude to intervention, it is irrelevant. The fact remains that America is a sick nation and we are a sick nation because all forms of our personal growth are stunted because we allow our lives to become distracted from the purpose of why we are here. Henry David Thoreau was correct when he said that “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them“.

According to a presentation offered at the IFPE Congress in Vienna, Austria on April 18, 2009, on the results of World Health Organization’s World Mental Health Survey, 19% of studied Americans experienced a clinical anxiety disorder in the previous twelve-month period, which pushes the United States into a ranking of first place in this category.  

What do Americans have to be so anxious about? At least part of the answer which explains why Americans have such a high degree of clinical anxiety, is contained in the following paragraphs as it is undeniably stressful living in America under the present set of conditions. We Americans are a miserable people who are dumbed down, drugged out, persecuted, fluoridated, chemtrailed, poisoned by consuming the GMO food supply, breathing radiated air thanks to Fukushima and are propagandized by a corporate controlled media who constantly reminds us about how happy we should be because we live in the land of freedom and opportunity and our imaginary enemies hate us because of our freedoms when the truth is actually the opposite. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index 2011, the United States is tied with Romania for forty-ninth in civil liberties. Several countries such as Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and Norway are tied for first. So much for our freedoms. When most people have a gun pointed at their head, they should know that they could soon die. And when the government passed the NDAA, they are telling you what they plan to do with you if you get out of line, which is to snatch you off the street without due process and “disappear” you forever. Yet, we do not fight back.

Living the American Lie

The truth of the American experience is really quite the opposite of what the mainstream media tells us. We live in a hellish 1984 nightmare where our every move is tracked by the NSA. Every word we speak is under scrutiny. We have no privacy and it has become very clear that the government is no longer of the people, by the people and for the people. The people are no longer the sovereign, the bankers who have hijacked our government are the sovereign and are in near total control of our government. As a result, we are a besieged people. In short, we are an occupied nation which is producing a high degree of misery. Even for the sheep, these undeniable facts are showing up in our collective stress levels.

Most Americans Are a Helpless Group

If a population is exposed to Ebola, 90% will die agonizing deaths. However, 10% will survive and this 10% figure is true for most pandemics. I think the 10% figure is true for resistance to tyranny as well. There are those of us who are seemingly immune to the societal brainwashing and are clearly able to rise up and oppose tyranny. However, I have concluded that most Americans are not able to mount any form of psychological resistance to what is going on, much less any physical resistance. Most Americans suffer from learned helplessness.

Learned Helplessness

learned helplessnessWhen I first began writing, I operated under the myth that if we could reach enough people, that our numbers of resistance would reach a tipping point and we would simply overwhelm the forces of the New World Order. I was not ignorant or naive, there simply isn’t a body of research which addresses this phenomenon. When people were not responsive to seeing through the lies and deception of the NWO, I attributed their blindness to cognitive dissonance in that they were not quite ready to make a mental paradigm shift, but eventually would if armed with enough facts. I no longer believe this is true because most Americans suffer from a psychological condition called learned helplessness. The term “learned helplessness” was coined by psychologist Martin Seligman.  In 1967, Martin Seligman’s seminal research was published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology entitled, Failure to Escape Traumatic Shock. Seligman’s experiment led to the term often used today to describe why poor people do not take obvious steps to climb out of their poverty-stricken circumstances. In Seligman’s dog study, he used dogs that were shocked and at first, demonstrated the ability to escape. In the second phase of the experiment, when a barrier was erected, repeated shocks to the dogs led to them passively accepting the shocks when their efforts made no difference with regard to their circumstances. In the third phase, when the barriers were removed, one would expect the dogs to return to escaping the shocks. Stunningly, even when the animal could see a clear path to escape, they continued to passively accept the shocks, hence the development of the “learned helplessness”. The dogs had been conditioned that their actions made no difference in the outcome, hence the term, learned helplessness. This principle is applicable to humans as well for when people lose hope, they passively accept their fate even when there are clear and identifiable options. I have concluded that most of these people cannot be saved because they are so unresponsive to the dangerous intrusions into their lives and they are programmed to label our warnings as conspiracy theories as they perform their Stepford Wives imitation on the way to their final demise.


Maybe a collective effort could save this country, but I seriously doubt it. As a whole, I have concluded that America is a defeated nation. I firmly believe that if we gave Americans a choice to fight for their freedom against a combined Chinese and Russian occupation force or to acquiesce, most Americans would say, “It would not be that bad to live under the Chinese and Russians”. Subsequently, I have altered my focus in my writing. I have decided to perform triage in my approach. In battlefield triage, there are always three groups (1) Those that cannot be saved no matter what you do; (2) Those that have some chance to be saved; and, (3) those that have a good chance of being saved with the right kind of attention. I am now writing for people who are in the second or third category. I would suggest to my colleagues to do the same thing. Our time is short and we cannot waste time trying to educate and warn those who are so blind that they cannot see.

Is There Any Hope?

Most of the time, successful military coups do not end well for the people for an old authoritarian regime is often replaced by a new authoritarian regime. However, with present preparations to turn all public venues into detention centers, the criminalizing of free speech and the renewal of the NDAA, Ray Charles could see what is coming. Perhaps our only way out is to hope the military does execute a coup. What do we have to lose? However, you should be aware this will only trigger a civil war between the foreign troops already here and our depleted domestic military forces. I believe as Dr. Jim Garrow does in that our only hope for resistance is a long-term guerrilla civil war. Most of this country does not have the stomach for this development and I think this is what is giving the military pause and is keeping them from doing what some think needs to be done. Ten percent of us understand what is coming and that capitulation and passivity will not save our lives. I would strongly urge most Patriots to focus the lion’s share of their activities to the cause of surviving what is coming.

TLB Highly recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more great commentary and information.

1 Comment on Save Yourself While You Still Can

  1. I’ve realized years ago that our country was being destroyed from within.I’ve tried to prepare myself and I realize I will never be ready…..

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