
Dismantle the Western Nuclear Family?

January 4, 2021 0

After learning that Washington DC (City) passed a bill that allows the government to vaccinate your children without the parents’ KNOWLEDGE or CONSENT, Armstrong Economics wrote, “I simply cannot believe the extent of this tyranny. […]


Mr. President: Open the Economy Now – Martin Armstrong

April 22, 2020 0

By Greg Hunter’s  Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says shutting down the economy is far worse that the effects of the Wuhan China virus. Armstrong says, “This is just scare mongering, and […]


The United Nations Agendas: A Totalitarian Map

July 16, 2019 0

Op-Ed by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath If you connected all the dots to the various United Nations (U.N.) Agendas, would you create a map of mass regionalization and an eventual Totalitarian State? Let us count the ways… […]