
The Political Power of Facebook

October 12, 2021 0

In the global imagination, Facebook would be a responsible social network that allows everyone to connect confidentially while censoring messages contrary to local laws. In practice, it is quite different. Facebook collects information about you […]


A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction

June 28, 2021 0

The world’s richest medical research foundation, the Wellcome Trust, has teamed up with a pair of former DARPA directors who built Silicon Valley’s skunkworks to usher in an age of nightmarish surveillance, including for babies […]


Google’s Chrome Web Browser “Has Become Spy Software”

June 25, 2019 2

by Tyler Durden Google’s Chrome is essentially spy software according to Washington Post tech columnist Geoffrey Fowler, who spent a week analyzing the popular browser and concluded that it “looks a lot like surveillance software.” Fowler has since switched to Mozilla’s […]