By: Roger Landry (TLB)
Let’s start this ball rolling by establishing a baseline – When the H1N1 vaccine caused about 50 deaths in the 1970’s it was pulled off the market as being too dangerous for public vaccination. Yet today we are seeing vaccine damage and related deaths that number in the hundreds of thousands in the United States, and easily in the millions globally. But you sure as hell better take it, and again, and again, and again, etc…, until the Great Fauci tells you that you are finally fully vaccinated, which may change numerous times before it is finally done … if ever! I have one word for this … BULLSHIT !!!
The following is a short video and by no means presents all the side effects related to the COVID vaccines, but it is more than enough to get you thinking:
Today we are looking at a (possible) virus that has a fatality rate for most of us of .003%, and even for those at risk there are proven substitutes for these (supposed) vaccines that would keep most of those at risk well within the safe zone (not dying), and at a cost far below that of these experimental and not properly tested faux vaccines.
Why did I just say “faux vaccines”? Because a real vaccine accomplishes the following:
It introduces a small, controlled amount of the known virus into the system allowing the body to produce a first line of defense ‘Antibodies’ that serve to protect the body. This process is called acquiring immunity.
It keeps you from being a carrier by ensuring the body sustains no viral load associated with this virus. Again called Immunity.
It prevents you from being a danger to others via shedding or transmitting the virus due to the fact that your body contains no viral load associated with said virus.
Yet to look at the real world performance of these supposed vaccines, you can no longer help but see that they accomplish none of the above required steps to actually qualify as a vaccine … at all. In fact (something admitted to by the makers of these jabs) they don’t keep you from getting COVID, a fact seen all across the planet as we are seeing that the most cases of COVID in many countries are now in those individuals who are fully (or at least partially) vaccinated.
We are also finding out from researchers that the vaccinated carry many times the viral load of an unvaccinated individual … a point that is insanely un-vaccine. And we are also now being told that you can and will transmit that viral load to those around you.
So what, if any is the benefit of getting an experimental jab if it wont keep you from getting the virus, wont keep you from building a large viral load within your body, and wont keep you from transmitting or shedding it to those around you, including others who have been vaccinated … ??? We are told it will lessen your symptoms … you wont feel as bad. REALLY … WTF ??? And by the very definition you are now a qualified ‘SUPER-SPREADER’ and much more dangerous to the unvaccinated public than they will ever be to you !!!
We are also being told by many credible researchers, doctors and scientists that each time someone receives a vaccination, their immune system goes to its knees (intentionally due to the spike protein) for as much as 150 months. And that after enough jabs are administered to that body it results in a total breakdown of said immune system. Now stop and consider that the recommendation is not for one shot (like with many real vaccines), you are told you need two, no wait … three, no wait a booster … no wait … continuous boosters for ever … and all within months of each other, and all for a supposed virus with the actual killing power of the flu !!!
We also need to discuss the absolute idiocy of Vaccine Passes/passports. As I have already stated – When you are vaccinated you are now the carrier of a viral load that is much higher than a non-vaccinated individual … NOT A GUESS, A FACT! Also as stated above, the jab will not keep you from contracting COVID, it will not keep you from transmitting COVID … it will only lighten your symptoms.
Now please stop and consider the result of what I just described … It is the Vaccinated that are KNOWN (manufactured) super-spreaders, NOT the Unvaccinated by natural infection or shedding … again FACT. But it is the unvaccinated that are harassed, segregated and chastised on a continuous basis, while the fully vaccinated are allowed to mingle at a much higher rate and frequency … WHY ???
It would almost make sense to state that the vaccinations are there to intentionally make you said super-spreaders of something beyond the basic COVID infection … something much more deadly and transmissible. If you doubt my last statement then please tell me why a country like Israel, being about the most vaccinated country on the planet, is experiencing massive hospitalizations and deaths … NOT among the unvaccinated … among the FULLY VACCINATED !!!
The filtered result of the above is that the Unvaccinated may not carry any associated viral load, or if infected, a minimal viral load (especially if asymptomatic), while EVERY vaccinated (especially fully vaccinated) individual is in fact a super-spreader. Those who made this can’t be anywhere near stupid enough not to have know, and fully understood this and it’s ramifications to the public. So try to convince me that this is not 100% intentional … and if so … what are the true ramifications for humanity? Can you say Genocide ???
The following video was published in mid August of this year. Please avoid any religious or sectarian prejudices and take the information at face value … it will literally knock you to your knees and that is a FACT:
Some things you all need to consider NOW … because if ignored, later may not come:
Why is humanity literally being forced into taking a gene therapy absolutely known to be the most deadly and damaging pharmaceutical product ever used on humanity? And if we refuse … measures up-to and including concentration camps are forced upon us?
Why are we being forced to take an endless number of faux vaccinations that will destroy our immune system, trigger heart failure and destroy our minds via blood clots made possible via spike proteins that multiply in our bodies into the billions, ultimately causing untold deaths over the next decade or sooner.
Why is a vast majority of humanity being forced to take a kill shot that researchers are screaming will slaughter fertility globally, also helping to ensure a vast reduction in global population within the next decade (some saying over two billion on the low end)?
Why is the global financial system being crashed intentionally adding more misery, poverty and ultimately death to the scenarios listed above?
Why are our hospitals, first responders and military being de-staffed … because they will not take a kill shot for something that has almost no chance of killing them?
And to wrap this up (for now) … How is this effecting our children, who should never have been given this kill shot to begin with? If you know and understand that the faux vaccine is far more deadly to them than COVID could ever be … and you vaccinate your children anyway, how the hell can you ever look at yourself in the mirror again?
Agency Data Show 173% More Children Died From Shot Than Virus … Yet your children damn well better get jabbed !!!
I have spent over eighteen months presenting all that you have just heard or read (as it became available) at the top of my lungs. Radio shows and articles beyond what I can even count, and all to very little effect. I/TLB does not have millions of dollars to build a platform that rivals the mainstream media although we are, and will keep, trying. I/TLB does not have the medical credentials necessary to catapult us into a limelight of recognition in this field.
But I/TLB have the ability to do the research necessary to not only find important and vital answers … but also to pose the vital and unanswered questions. … as well as the sheer staying power to continue to put the word out … even if this may cost my life …
What is the price of helping to save humanity in your estimation … are you willing to pay it ???
MUST SEE ARTICLE (click on image below)
Episodes of EPI TOWN CRIER (articles and associated shows)
References – more than 3,000 COVID related articles
About the Author: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than twelve short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website
The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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