WEATHER WARFARE ALERT! January 9th Superstorm has all the hallmarks of a geoengineered frankenstorm…..SOTN

Via State of the Nation

…targeting the entire Eastern
Seaboard just in time to knock
the Lloyd Austin “AWOLgate”
clusterf*ck off the top headline.

Submitted by A Weather Warfare Watcher

Just to be clear, there are always storms — often BIG storms — in every season of the year.  However, have you noticed how virtually every regional storm is now revved up to be a major SUPERSTORM?

That’s the crucial point, right there.  And the nonstop media hype — EVERY SINGLE TIME — is proof of the conspiracy between the weather warriors and the mainstream media.

For the uninitiated, the NWO geoengineers have at their disposal all the weather modification technologies and techniques to easily hijack a quite natural storm, which they then intensify and aim at any target they so choose.


For the skeptical, this entire process of meteorological manipulation is actually very easy to perpetrate as the U.S. Military has been routinely conducting weather warfare in various theaters of war over several decades.

Of course, the largest and most destructive of these manufactured storms always have multiple objectives, the most common being to pose a HUGE distraction from the biggest radioactive story of the day such as this one:
DODgate: Why, really, did Sec. Lloyd Austin
go AWOL for nearly 5 days…… 

CAVEAT: So if you happen find yourself in a weather war zone like we’re in today, take it very seriously.  These weather weapons should not be underestimated, especially when the geoengineers employ other much more powerful weaponry such as various DEWs during the same series of geoterrorists attacks. See: HAWAIIAN HOLOCAUST, MAUI MASSACRE & LAHAINA INFERNO: A Manmade Firestorm



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