Who are the “Elite”?

by Todd Hayen

People are always correcting me when I use the term “elite” to describe that group of “people” (or maybe lizards) who are calling the shots and who created the “agenda” and want the rest of us (useless eaters) either under their thumb or dead.

The people who correct me claim these people (or lizards) are not “elite” which falsely implies “better,” “advanced,” or “special.” They don’t want to give these people (or lizards) any credit they do not deserve. I get it. The clear and indisputable official definition of “elite” is: “A group or class of persons considered to be superior to others because of their intelligence, social standing, or wealth.”

But who is doing the “considering”—them, or us, the “non-elite”?


However, it is an easy word to use to describe a group, just like “sheep” and “shrew” are easy to use. It’s not necessarily wholly accurate, but everyone knows what I am referring to when I use these terms. I get the same sort of criticism when I use the phrase “powers that be”—many people want me to use the more awkward expression, “powers that shouldn’t be”—yes, more accurate, but more awkward.

So, what about these “elite?”

Who are they and what are they up to, and why are they considered, at least by themselves, to be “better,” “advanced” and “special?” What do they all have in common other than evil? Are they all evil? Are they actually lizards?

Well, I would venture to say the one thing they all unquestionably have in common is money—or at least the control over large amounts of money. A second common denominator is probably “power”—but isn’t that a given? To have money, you automatically have power.

Here are a few facts and figures to throw around. The wealthiest folks in the world are Elon Musk (worth over $230 billion), Bernard Arnault and family (worth over $200 billion), Jeff Bezos (worth over $160 billion) and Bill Gates (worth over $130 billion). As I am sure you’ve heard a million times before, the richest 1% of people hold more than 40% of the world’s total wealth. While the bottom 50% control less than 2%. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

These numbers, and people’s names attributed to be the wealthiest, could be outdated, incomplete, or even inaccurate. Who knows. And as with everything else, be skeptical.

I could go on and on with these statistics, but you get the picture. And none of this is a mystery. But there still is a mystery here; things about these people and the lives they live, none of us know thoroughly. We can guess, of course. We can read books and articles about them and watch them in movies and video clips, but do we really know how they think, what they feel, or what level of empathy they are capable of? Or to what lengths they will go to preserve their “elite-ness?”

That’s a mystery.

Sure, some of us have a better idea than others. There are people out there who have experienced the reverse of “rags to riches” and are actually wallowing around in squalor due to some form of accountability going awry or just their own stupidity, causing their fortune to skitter away due to one or another inept act or decision. Some “elite” wind up in prison, but even there, they may be treated like “inmate elites” and have the best of that world as they had the best of the world in general before incarceration. Being elite is a relative thing. “King among thieves” as they say.

The ones out in the world who have an impact on us peons are not just Kardashian-types who flit around in their multi-million-dollar yachts and private jets and buy expensive clothes at Louis Vuitton’s or Gucci’s. These are people who literally control the world. They control it through the manipulation of governments and leaders, through real estate, and business holdings. They control it through selective wars and conflicts, banking, currency manipulation, pharmaceuticals and global health policies

People are generally under the false impression that democracy runs the free world. It doesn’t. In the sort of democracy we are referring to when using the word “democracy,” each person who casts a ballot gets an equal vote. In the true democracy that runs the world, each $100 bill gets an equal vote, not a person.

So what, you might say. “If these folks are smart and are good businessmen and women, then why should we worry that they call the shots?”

Because it is their lifestyle they want to preserve, not ours. They want a world that caters to them and what they find valuable.

As I said earlier, the mystery we encounter with these people is so profound that we typically ignore it. We believe them to be basically the same as us; in fact, we see them to be the ultimate of what we would desire to be ourselves (not all of you, of course, but a lot). For the most part, most people see them as elite. Superior, desirable, and free to do with their lives what they want. Unfortunately, they are not the same as us. Anyone who lives the style of life these people live, has changed psychologically to something that does not resemble, in the least, what we believe a human being to be.

Now, a disclaimer, I am fully aware this does not apply to every single one of these wealthy and powerful people. There are still some who come upon great wealth and do not lose their humanity. Maybe more than I presently imagine. Love and compassion is a powerful force that is very difficult to completely cover up. I think this is one reason why David Icke came up with his “Reptoid” theory proclaiming that “a race of shape-shifting reptilian beings, originating from another dimension or planet, secretly controls the world by taking on human forms and infiltrating positions of power thus manipulating global events to maintain control over humanity.” If this were true then we would not have to “dehumanize” fellow human beings, we would just have to accept that they are inhuman shape shifting alien reptiles—not human at all. That’s a lot easier to grok. Of course, Icke may be correct and Reptoids may not be just a metaphor. It certainly would answer a lot of questions if he were.

If completely consumed by the evils of consumerism (and most people these days are) these people do not want to live with less than what they already have, no matter how much that might be. If someone has $1,000 they don’t want to lose $500. If someone has $200 billion, they don’t want to lose $100 billion. If someone drives a BMW, they don’t want to drive a Kia, if someone drives a Lamborghini, they don’t want to drive a BMW. If someone flies around in their Gulfstream private jet, they don’t want to fly coach on Air Canada. This is an advanced form of the survival instinct.

People with money, power, and assets, believe if they lose even a fraction of these things, they will not survive.

This is an aspect of the incentive of these people that I believe most of us peons do not factor in. When we believe that our leaders could not possibly do anything without us useless eaters being considered, we don’t realize that all the incentives the actual puppet masters have in the world are for their own survival—and their definition of “survival” is radically different than ours. This includes continued control of the wealth and global resources, it includes control and power over the masses, and may even include eliminating the chaff—the useless eaters.

Wow, if that isn’t doomsaying, I don’t know what is.

Well, we do have numbers in our favour. If we all woke up and peacefully made changes, we could still get a handle on this. But, obviously, these folks (or lizards) have a pretty good thumb on all of us. Their psyops are highly effective. Let’s hope that changes.


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