American Politicians Call for Genocide Against Palestinians as They Buy War Stocks – Gaza Doctors Issue ‘SOS To Whole World’

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:


The war in Israel continues to command headline news this week, as many U.S. lawmakers have now gone public to support the destruction of Gaza and the genocide of the Palestinian people.

This is now my third article on the war in Israel. Please see the first two articles for more background information on this terrorist attack and war:


War Breaks Out in the Middle East – Beware of the U.S. Media One-Sided Coverage

Captured Hamas Terrorist: “We Prepared for Over a Year – We were Shocked that IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) were not Waiting for Us” – Netanyahu Supporting Hamas?

Since this is a highly emotional topic, this is what I have included about myself in the first two articles, in case anyone is considering an emotional response to attack me:

And just a reminder for some of our newer readers who may not know much about me, I have spent a significant portion of my adult life, in my earlier years, living in the Middle East. I was fluent in Turkish at one time and spent many years in Turkey, including working with Kurdish refugees after the Gulf War, and I have also lived in Saudi Arabia for several years where I taught English at the university level.

Most Americans have never even met or befriended a Muslim, let alone visited or lived in a Muslim country, and have bought into the propaganda that lumps all Muslims into one category (Jihad terrorists), and also vilifies anyone who dares to mention anything negative about Israel, and the Zionist agenda which most Evangelical Christians (wrongly) believe is a fulfillment of prophecy.

I have a BA from one of the top Zionist Evangelical schools in America, so I know the Zionist view very well, having been trained in it. But I have been studying the Bible for over 40 years now, and have never embraced the Zionist view, even while a Bible School student back in the early 1980s, because the modern day Zionist views are not taught anywhere in the Bible. In fact, the opposite is actually taught.

As I write this today, October 11, 2023, Israel appears to be ready to launch troops to go into Gaza and “wipe Hamas from the face of the earth.” (Source.)

U.S. politicians are echoing this same sentiment, even while acknowledging that there is no way to destroy Hamas without also killing millions of innocent children and civilians, the very same thing Hamas terrorists just did to Israelis this past weekend.

Senator Marco Rubio:

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Rubio: “Is there a way for Israel to destroy Hamas without causing massive casualties against the innocent people of Gaza? There are more than two million people in the Gaza Strip and roughly a million of them are children.”

Rubio replied: “Yeah, I don’t think there’s any way Israel can be expected to co-exist or find some diplomatic off-ramp with these savages. I mean, these are people, as you’ve been reporting and others have seen, that deliberately targeted teenage girls, women, children, the elderly … just horrifying things, and I don’t think we know the full extent of it yet. I mean, there’s more to come in the days and weeks ahead. You can’t exist. They have to be eradicated.”

In an apparent reference to civilian casualties, Rubio continued, “And you pointed out the difficult challenge. This is going to be incredibly painful. This is going to be incredibly difficult. And it’s going to be horrifying, the price to pay. But even more horrifying is allowing a group like this to continue to be a viable group operating from a space that they control. I wish, you know, in an ideal world, people will tell you that there is, but I just don’t — I don’t see any other option. It’s a terrible option, but it remains the only option.” (Source.)

Senator Lindsey Graham:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Tuesday declared that “we’re in a religious war” and called for Israel to “level” the Gaza Strip, home to over 2 million people, including about 1 million children.

“We’re in a religious war here. I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place,” Graham said on Fox News. (Source.)

Former Governor Nikki Haley:

Her proposed solution to the current war is an all-out genocide. “I say this to Prime Minister (Benjamin) Netanyahu: Finish them. Finish them. Hamas did this. You know Iran is behind it. Finish them,” she proudly shouted at the TV. (Source.)

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