Mac Slavo
Why is George Soros moving billions of dollars out of stocks and into gold assets and other precious metals?
Perhaps the point of collapse has arrived.
The suggestion seems to be that a point of no return is coming for the stock market system of illusion and usury. The Fed’s great bubble is getting ready to burst. It is playing out on a time frame decided, undoubtedly, by those closest to the inside.
Worse, the end of the U.S. petrodollar is playing out, with plenty of geopolitical drama as currency wars threaten to undo the foundation that the nation has been resting upon.
When the music stops, the economy will shatter and collapse in a devastating wave that will catch the vast majority of Americans off guard. It isn’t the first time Soros’ positions have served as a stark warning.
Soros is shifting towards gold because he understands what is coming, and likely has several tricks up his sleeve.
According to the experts, fear of the dollar is driving his gold purchases.
via Sputnik News:
Maybe the best argument in favor of gold is that American legendary investor and billionaire George Soros has recently sold 37% of his stock and bought a lot more gold and gold stocks.
“George Soros, who once called gold ‘the ultimate bubble,’ has resumed buying the precious metal after a three-year hiatus. On Monday, the billionaire investor disclosed that in the first quarter he bought 1.05 million shares in SPDR Gold Trust, the world’s biggest gold exchanged-traded fund, valued at about $123.5 million,” Fortune and Reuters reported Tuesday.
Watch this video by the Next News Network:
Soros’ move with the gold price hovering well below 2011 levels seems in line with the great reckoning that is taking place across the economic landscape.
Those who haven’t hedged and moved away from the false strength of the dollar are apt to lose everything they have.
via The Last Great Stand:
In the video, Franchi discusses how Soros, the “legendary billionaire and front man for the Bilderberg Group, and sometimes referred to as ‘The Currency Killer’” (a more appropriate description I think) recently sold off 37% of his stocks, and bought gold and gold stocks with the proceeds. What can we learn from that? PLENTY!
Even though gold the price of gold is quoted in terms of U.S. Dollars (for now anyway), there is no “direct” relevance to the U.S. Dollaraccording to Juan Carlos Artigas, director of investment research at the World Gold Council. With that said, Gold’s moves are sometimes linked to the dollar, because the metal often trades inversely to moves in the greenback.When investors fear the U.S. Dollar is losing power (or on the verge of implosion in this case), they rush to gold to hedge their bets, and vice versa. Another tool many people have been flocking to as a means to hedge the U.S. Dollar is silver, because 1) it’s less expensive than gold and selling at a historically low price right now; and 2) when the big collapse does come, it will be easier to barter with small denominations of silver, than it will be with gold which is currently selling for over $1,200 per ounce.
the U.S. is about to be SCREWED when it is no longer able to conduct trade with worthless U.S. Dollars and no gold.
Pay attention to the large moves that are happening against the backdrop of entertaining and disturbing news events.
Things are unraveling, things are accelerating and change is going to happen in a big way.
For those who are unprepared, it will be very, very bad. Things will absolutely collapse once the dollar is dead.
Read more:
Dollar Moves Shake the World: “Federal Reserve Could Start a Currency War”
The Yuan Ascends to World Reserve Status: “Dollar System Being Done Away With”
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