Michael Krieger
*Note: This post originally maintained Trump was saying “be careful” to Nick Gillespie, when in reality he seems to have been talking to others walking with him in the crowd with equipment. The post has been changed to reflect this realization.
Reason’s editor in chief Nick Gillespie recently caught up with Donald Trump on the campaign trail and asked him about libertarianism. This is what ensued:
This exchange is troubling from several different angles.
First off, Trump does his typical dance in which he avoids questions he doesn’t want to answer by giving a simplistic jingoistic response.
He is clearly uncomfortable with the question. Why?
Overall, the above exchange is kind of unnecessary since it’s abundantly clear Trump is anti-liberty and anti-freedom.
Let’s recall what he said should be done with Edward Snowden. From aWashington Times story in 2013:
Edward Snowden, the man at the heart of the NSA information leaks, is nothing but a “traitor” — and America ought to recreate history in dealing with him, real estate mogul Donald Trump said on a “Fox & Friends” interview.
In other words, execute him, Mr. Trump implied.
“I think Snowden is a terrible threat, I think he’s a terrible traitor, and you know what we used to do in the good old days when we were a strong country — you know what we used to do to traitors, right?”
For more on the “real” Donald Trump, see:
Rand Paul Op-ed Blasts Donald Trump – Calls Him a “Fake Conservative” and Wannabe “King”
Will Donald Trump Run as a 3rd Party Candidate?
You’re Fired – Trump Campaign Tweets Photo of Trump’s Head Next to Nazi Soldiers
Meet the Immigrants Building Trump’s International Hotel in Washington D.C.
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Contributed by Michael Krieger of A Lightning War for Liberty.
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