Source: The Automatic Earth

Russell Lee Agricultural day laborer family near Spiro, Sequoyah County, Oklahoma June 1939
The biggest irony in my view came from a Bloomberg article this weekend, which said:
EU leaders say the [situation] may be spiraling out of Putin’s control. “Armed thugs with modern weapons are stirring old tensions and stoking new hatreds,” U.K. Foreign Secretary William Hague said [..] Putin “seems to have unleashed forces that he cannot control.”
Which made me think: if according to you he’s not in control, how can you threaten him with more sanctions? How does that work? Do you mean to say you want him to seize control, as in send in his army? I think maybe you it’s you guys who have lost control, and you think that’s somehow working in your favor. So you let it go.
I have no – reason to – doubt that Hague’s MI5 and MI6 have elbowed their asses into Kiev too, but it’s the American involvement that so far stands out. A recount: It seems like ages ago that we heard of the active roles played by Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, who hand-picked Yatsenyuk for the PM role after their hand-picked overthrow of the elected Yakunovich government. And who, when the protests by grandmothers in Maidan square didn’t move fast enough, or would perhaps even have threatened to fail – without much, if any, violence on the part of the government, lest we forget – started supporting the Right Sector and Svoboda party, which had not only the gun power needed to finish what the grandmothers could not, but also links to, and insignia of, a past that no well thinking modern American should want anything to do with.
But Nuland, along with the people she shares her ideas with stateside, has never been a thinking modern American. Still, that’s just one aberration. What followed were visits to Kiev by Senator McCain handing out sweets to those grandmothers who could have been his daughters while the insignia guys moved in on the elected government’s quarters with the ever heavier artillery McCain himself may well have had a hand in delivering. By now were definitely in a place America should never have wanted to be in. And it was all just getting started. And $5 billion had already been spent on NGO infiltration measures, that they wanted to get a return on.
Yanukovich didn’t flee because either the grandmothers, or the right wing militia, or even the US and EU, didn’t want him. He left because Putin didn’t want him. Or at least not enough to risk a fight for him. Something that may well have been missed by everyone who’s not a chess player. Putin knew, every step of the way, what the western involvement was. Not just the overt war-mongering Nuland and McCain brought to the table, but the whole scala. Putin’s only mistake may have been that he didn’t think the US would be stupid enough to do what they did end up doing; a serious enough mistake in itself.
After the Yats coup, which the west still claims was somehow legal, unlike the Crimea and Donetsk referendums, CIA chief John Brennan visited Kiev. What happened after that is that since Ukrainian soldiers have been very reluctant to fire on their own people, and there was a plan in place to attack the ethnic Russian eastern part of Ukraine, which holds the industrial base, the attacks in the east are now executed by Special Forces, in which the not exactly sparkly clean Right Sector plays a major role, as does Blackwater, which has 400 operatives on the ground, according to German media. The Right Sector and Blackwater get help from dozens of CIA and FBI agents also on the scene.
By now you’re talking serious US presence. And then you get the Odessa “incident” 10 days ago. In which an occupied building was set on fire, many people were burnt alive, and those who tried to escape the flames were shot or even clubbed to death by the crowd that surrounded the burning edifice. Today’s count: 42 dead, 60 hospitalized of which 26 are in grave condition, 48 missing. A scene reminiscent of a 70 year-old past in that part of the world that everybody claims they never wanted to see again, but that never would have happened had not the US and EU supported the perpetrators. The burning building tactic, apparently, was repeated a few days ago in the eastern coastal city of Mariupol.
If you live in the US or the EU, you must realize these things are executed in your name, and if you don’t protest them, you have no “Ich hab es nicht gewusst” excuse if and when the people come calling who were the victims or have family and friends who were. The “official” Ukraine elections take place less than 2 weeks from today, and they are guaranteed to take place among an avalanche of mayhem, violence and deaths. For which Putin will be handed all the blame and then some by the western governments and media, but which will carry a heavy handed signature from the people who represent you and me. You can sit in an office tower in Manhattan or London or Paris, or a retail store in Boise, Idaho, or Berlin or Madrid, but that doesn’t mean you can wash your hands of the bloodshed and look the other way. What is being committed in your name is what we call crimes against humanity. And it’s going to get worse. And this is just Ukraine.
TLB recommends you visit http://www.theautomaticearth.com for more great articles and pertinent information.
See original article here: http://www.theautomaticearth.com/debt-rattle-may-12-2014-american-crimes-against-humanity/
Just a small detail to add; Joe Biden’s (US Vice President last I looked)son Hunter has just “landed” a position as a Director of “Burisma”—-a Ukraine Gas Company! Perhaps Putin is to blame for this also? We could ask Obama; I am sure he will explain it all clearly!