Mac Slavo
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. […] He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, 1984
Common Core and similar corporate-driven efforts to alter education are starting to have some serious consequences.
Rewriting history is a major part of the silent takeover that is and has been underway for some time.
The powers that be are interested in control, not in freedom. That much is understood.
As such, American history – as ugly and bloody as it has been – cannot be told. Knowledge about the U.S. Constitution, the critical Bill of Rights and the revolution for independence are inconvenient facts to the new social engineering.
Incredibly, public schools are now actually beginning to rewrite history by omitting this pivotal chapter from classrooms.
According to, South Dakota – which is a Common Core state – is literally leaving it untaught:
Important topics like the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War and the framing of the U.S. Constitution may simply be ignored by teachers under new history standards approved by the state’s board of education last Monday, the Argus Leader reports.
Current standards do not allow history teachers to delve into topics before the Civil War, so the new standards open up the door but don’t require teachers to cover early American history, as many would have preferred. The recently adopted history standards are set to take effect in 2016-17 school year and whittle the current standards from 117 pages to 44.
“Our current history standards do not even give an option as to whether it’s comprehensive or modern,” board president Don Kirkegaard told the news site. “It’s strictly modern.”
No, this is not hyperbole. These South Dakota schools are literally talking about leaving out lessons on the founding of the United States, to instead focus most of the school year on the last century, which can only be properly understood in the context of what has happened in the last 500 years… and beyond.
This should be alarming to everyone, whether you love America and what it stands for, or not!
The net effect of keeping kids ignorant of history is, of course, passed down the line to society who must endure “low information voters” and malleable sheep in many areas.
Already, college professors – with their own problems concerning academic standards– are complaining that students are arriving woefully ignorant and unprepared either to face history or the wider world. According to the Argus Leader:
Ben Jones, dean and associate professor of history at Dakota State University, has said he and his colleagues are “astounded by the level of ignorance” of U.S. history that they see in freshmen.
But there are other important reasons to teach high school students about our nation’s early history.
Constitutional topics are common in today’s political debate and students without a solid understanding and who do not have the appropriate level of context for these discussions are at a disadvantage. As citizens, we need to understand our rights and duties as well as appreciate how they came to be.
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