Mac Slavo
Simply put, the stakes are very high for this election.
Whether he is a farce, or a force to be reckoned with, Donald Trump has shaken the foundations of the establishment.
And there may be hell to pay.
So far in 2016, we have witnessed the two party system collapse, as the GOP was taken over from within, and the Democratic party fought a coup against a grassroots insurgency to install Hillary Clinton as their favored puppet president.
Every media pundit on the airwaves has circled round and round the flaws of Trump, while giving Hillary perfect cover to steal the election in plain sight.
These things are happening… and there is every possibility that civil unrest could result after a contested – or strongly challenged – result in November.
If angry Trump supporters, possibly encouraged by Trump himself, took to the streets, things could get pretty nasty.
And only weeks away, it remains a real possibility.
There is also the outside chance, as Michael Snyder has discussed, that a Trump victory could be challenged by the system itself. On the pretext of war with Russia, or a catastrophic terror attack, an economic collapse – or anything at all that can be blamed on election aftermath – President Obama could declare martial law, and call for an election do-over (keeping himself in charge until things are sorted out, of course).
There is a very real push for a big war to revive the empire economy, and the grip of the system; there is a very real chance that this country is on the brink of conflict, division and fallout on a scale never before seen.
As Joe Joseph discuses, the elections are indeed being hijacked, war is being fixed and the powers that be are preparing to make the people accept the election outcome – one way or another:
In this edition of The Daily Sheeple’s “Daily News Update”, Joe Joseph goes over the treasure trove of documents that have come out against the Clintons… It safe to say that this election is a textbook example of how leaders are selected, not elected. Joe also highlights five ways martial law can be enacted in the United States!
The Elections Are Being Hijacked! Possible Martial Law to Follow
Hopefully nothing of the sort happens, but in these dark and strange times, anything is possible.
One thing is certain, the American people won’t be able to vote themselves out tyranny and deception. But it appears that the path to peaceful revolution is being cut off, leaving more pressure than ever on all sides, waiting to explode.
Stay vigilant.
Read more:
If Trump Wins, Will Obama Declare Martial Law To Remain In Office? “These Are Not Normal Times”
If Martial Law Comes to America “Dissidents and Subversives Would Be Rounded Up”
“The Fraud Is Rampant”: Registering the Dead And Illegal Immigrants to Steal the Election
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