Under the new deal, Europe will support Greece in its effort to pretend that structural reforms are being implemented.
“Ja, Wie conzider zthat az long az zthey look like zthey arre zdoing zomezing, zthey dezerrve zthe money, wie have plenty, kein problem” – said a German official, struggling to carry the massive amount of Euro bills jumping out of his pockets.
Amazingly, the French delegation managed to speak better English, but the content was no better: “Greece committed to serious reforms, and this time we believe the promise will not be broken like in the previous 138 times” – said Pierre Patapon just before exploding in laughter and rushing to the toilet for fear he couldn´t hold his water.
The Financial Paparazzi got an exclusive interview with the Greek prime minister, who was naïve enough to believe we wouldn´t publish his off the record remarks:
“We are the oldest European people, we know that sooner or later, Germany will be invaded by Russia and the whole debt thing will evaporate. In the meantime, we just have to postpone payment, extend the loans and pretend we are doing someth… Ooh, Feta Cheese! ”.
The prime minister ended the interview at this point. At least that´s what we understood from his gestures, because his mouth was full.
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