Here’s how they blacken your “BRAND” in a Madison Avenue minute………. – SOTN

Via State of the Nation

…if you dare to use your high and
powerful public platform to tell
the unvarnished truth ABOUT
ANYTHING concerning the
New World Order agenda.

The Central Intelligence Agency established the highly effective practice of smearing any truth-teller with accusations of sexual assault, sexual abuse and any other type sex crime or sexual weirdness with the tabloid trashing of President John F. Kennedy.

JFK and the CIA:
Trash-talking a POTUS to destroy his truth-telling legacy

Let’s face it: in America’s traditionally conservative, Christian society, the best way to destroy anyone’s reputation — FAST — has always been to throw lurid sexual accusations in their direction, whether true or false.  Because once they’re thrown against the wall by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media, there’s simply no undoing the resulting awesome damage to one’s name.

Welcome to Third Millennium and the never-ending cascade of mud-slinging against conservative VIPs, particularly those very rich and powerful, who dare to tell the truth about anything that really matters to the New World Order globalist cabal.


Russell Brand is only the latest to be totally taken down with allegations of rape and sexual assault.  Given the penetrating insight and incisive wit that Russell methodically uses to expose the NWO agenda, it was only a matter of time before he was crashed and burned, yes?  It’s actually quite amazing he has not already been suicided given his unrivaled courage to speak truth to power!

CIA’s Mockingbird Media going after brave truth-teller
Russell Brand with a vengeance.

Then there is the inspiration of the blockbuster Sound of Freedom — Tim Ballard — whose nonprofit, United States-based, anti-sex trafficking organization, Operation Underground Railroad served as the main plot.  Now he’s being eviscerated with headlines like this:

Of course, super wrecking ball Donald Trump was paraded across the mainstream media earlier this year for alleged sexual improprieties in a highly organized globalist scheme to further wreck and ruin his reputation in advance of all the patently fraudulent indictments which have followed.  That’s the highly coordinated game these extremely corrupt prosecutors play with Big Media: the predatory persecutors first shatter their prey’s reputation with fake sex charges; then the reptiles go in for the kill with other false felony indictments.

KEY POINT: The “E. Jean Carroll v. Donald J. Trump” case is so over-the-top in terms of a being a malicious and nakedly fraudulent prosecution that it set a new LOW standard for the U.S. Injustice System.  After all, Jean Carroll could not even state exactly what Trump did to her sexually, where it happened, when it happened, or the events leading up to the imaginary assault.  Then “in its verdict the following month, the jury found Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming Carroll, ordering him to pay $5 million in damages” for a completely unproven and groundless case—WOW!!!

Then there is the very suspicious case of James O’Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas, that curiously popped up out of nowhere earlier this year.  As follows:

Let’s not forget the 2022 allegations lodged against Tesla CEO Elon Musk.  Once he was determined to take over Twitter to establish free speech there, Musk became the target of just about everyone in Woke-space.

Let’s not forget about the incessant drips and drabs coming out of the corporate media regarding the distant past of Democrat renegade and radioactive truth-writer Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


What rich and powerful man has not has a relationship(s) gone bad?  Or who has not had an awkward sexual relationship, event or regret?

However, once those VIPs leave the NWO reservation of political correctness, it’s basically open season on them.  By that it’s understood that the CIA’s Mockingbird Media will very seriously consider and review and report on just about any accusation(s) directed at the now ‘dangerous’ VIP.  In point of fact, the MSM begs for any sexually oriented accusation in this out-of-control MeToo era.

The alleged sexual impropriety(ies) could have happened 50 years ago, yet the perfidious MSM will still run with it like the supposed sexual crime wave occurred yesterday, so desperate are they to take down every influential truth-teller in sight.

Therefore, the word to the wise Patriot is this: that you steel yourself before you expose the utterly satanic New World Order agendas in all of their nefarious and demonic details.  Then, when the salacious rumors start to fly, you are able to handle the media barrage of unsubstantiated gossip spewed out there by every hater who ever knew you, especially if they are really woke.


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