Kanye West says, “He likes Hitler.” – RT

The controversial rapper urged people to “stop dissing Nazis”
Kanye West says he likes Hitler

Rapper Kanye ‘Ye’ West has admitted he is an admirer of Adolf Hitler, telling Infowars host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones that he “likes” the former Nazi leader and “sees good things” about him.

During a Thursday appearance on Jones’ Infowars show, West doubled down on his recent inflammatory comments about Jewish people, this time also offering praise for Hitler.

When Jones attempted to defend West’s past anti-Semitic comments, saying he was not a Nazi and does not “deserve to be demonized,” the rapper quickly rejected the help.

“I see good things about Hitler also,” he responded, while wearing a black hood covering his entire face.

Jones attempted to push back on the anti-Semitism, accusing the rapper of having a “little bit of a Hitler fetish.” When Jones clarified that he personally was not a Hitler fan, West responded simply: “I like Hitler.”

“Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler.”

The Infowars host burst out laughing after West said he loves Jewish people, “but also loves Nazis.”

As the show returned from a commercial break, West elaborated further, urging listeners to “stop dissing Nazis all the time” because they had “done good things too.” 

He went on to blame “the Jewish media” for making people think the Nazis and Hitler had not offered “anything of value” to the world.

“I do love Hitler, I do love the Zionists. I love everyone,” he said at another point in the interview. West appeared on the show alongside controversial right-wing commentator Nick Fuentes.


West has been under fire in recent weeks over his incendiary remarks about Jews, including declaring in October that he was going “death con 3 on Jewish people.” The comments prompted a massive backlash that saw a slew of brands cut ties with him.

The outcast rapper confirmed last week that he would be making another run for the US presidency in 2024. He previously ran as an independent candidate in 2020, but conceded after receiving only 50,000 votes.

He also claimed this week that the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had frozen his bank accounts and told him he owes about $50 million in taxes.

Via RT


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