By Matheus
Drugs containing Tylenol
While there is no such thing as a safe chemical, it must be
realized there is no chemical that cannot be used safely by
limiting the dose or exposure. Poisons can be safely used
and be of benefit to society when used appropriately.
Royal Society of Chemistry
Doctors love to use poisons too and they have the Royal Society of Chemistry to tell them it is ok. Much of contemporary civilization is built on the edifice and profits of poison so there is no surprise that we have badly poisoned our planet, our children and ourselves. We very much as a race, want to continue this pattern, so what do we expect to happen when our doctors subscribe or we just casually walk into a pharmacy to pick up some Tylenol which can poison we and our progeny to get autism and liver diseases?
Tylenol Use in Pregnancy Linked to Autism
It appears that the marked increase in the rate of autism, asthma, and attention deficit with hyperactivity throughout much of the world may be largely caused by the marked increase in the use of acetaminophen in genetically and/or metabolically susceptible children, and the use of acetaminophen by pregnant women. Toxicity of acetaminophen may cause autism by overloading the defective sulfation pathway catalyzed by phenolsulfotransferase, which is deficient in autism, leading to overproduction of the toxic metabolite N-acetylp- benzoquinone imine (NAPQI).
If you did not understand that, it simply means that Tylenol is a exceptionally nasty poison you don’t even need a doctor or prescription to take.
Acetaminophen is also termed paracetamol and N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (AAP or APAP). More than 70% of the population in western countries has taken acetaminophen at least once, and a relevant percentage takes the drug chronically as a mild pain reliever and antipyretic. Acetaminophen is used to treat pain and fever and it has become one of the most popular OTC non-narcotic analgesic agents. For example, this compound has been taken at least once by >85% of children under the age of 91 months in the UK.15 In the US, approximately 79% of the general population regularly takes acetaminophen, including more than 35% of pregnant women.
Johnson & Johnson reduced the maximum daily dose of its Extra Strength Tylenol pain reliever a few years ago to lower risk of accidental overdose from acetaminophen, Tylenol’s active ingredient and the top cause of liver failure. Excessive use of acetaminophen can cause liver damage. In the U.S., it is blamed for about 200 fatal overdoses; and sends 56,000 people to the emergency room each year.
Tylenol Linked to Renal Cancers
Researchers led by Eunyoung Cho, ScD, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, analyzed data from 20 studies that included 8,420 cases of kidney cancer. The studies included 14 with acetaminophen, 13 with aspirin, and five with other NSAIDs. In pooled analyses, use of acetaminophen and nonaspirin NSAIDs was associated with a 28% and 25% increased risk of kidney cancer, respectively, compared with non-use, the investigators reported online ahead of print in the International Journal of Cancer. The researchers found no overall increased risk with aspirin use.[1]
Previously, in a prospective study of 77,525 women participants in the Nurses’ Health Study and the 49,403 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, Dr. Cho and colleagues reported finding that regular use of nonaspirin NSAIDs was associated with a 51% increased relative risk of renal cell carcinoma in a pooled analysis compared with non-regular use, according to a report in Annals of Internal Medicine (2011;171:1487-1493). Aspirin and acetaminophen use were not associated with RCC risk.
The risk of RCC increased with longer regular use of non-aspirin NSAIDs.
Chronic Low Level Toxicity
It is the inability to see the effects of chronic, low level
toxicities on human health that has been, and
remains, our greatest failing as intelligent beings.
Dr. Boyd Haley
What we are seeing in the world today are massive spreads of chronic diseases like diabetes, neurological disorders, asthma, cancer and a host of other problems stemming from the in appropriate use of poisons. The assumption that poisons can be used safely was modern man’s Pandora’s Box; once opened the most greedy power hungry industrialists felt free to use poison in everything from house hold products like soap and shampoo to putting it directly in our foods, medicines and even drinking water.
A substance can produce the harmful effect associated with its toxic properties only if it reaches a susceptible biological system within your body in a sufficient concentration (a high enough dose). The toxic effect of a substance increases as the exposure (or dose) to the susceptible biological system increases. For all chemicals there is a dose response curve, or a range of doses that result in a graded effect between the extremes of no effect and 100% response (toxic effect). All chemical substances will exhibit a toxic effect given a large enough dose. If the dose is low enough even a highly toxic substance will cease to cause a harmful effect. The toxic potency of a chemical is thus ultimately defined by the dose (the amount) of the chemical that will produce a specific response in a specific biological system.
If you believe the statements above, there is no hope. The problem all started with Paracelsus, sometimes called the “father” of toxicology, who wrote: “The dose makes the poison.” The original quote actually is: “All things are poison and nothing (is) without poison; only the dose makes that a thing is no poison.” In other words, the amount of a substance a person is exposed to is as important as the nature of the substance. For example, small doses of aspirin can be beneficial to a person, but at very high doses, this common medicine can be deadly. In some individuals, even at very low doses, aspirin may be deadly. We all know that everyone can drown in water and even too much oxygen will do you in.
I for my part am ashamed of medicine,
considering what an utter fraud it has come to be.
Thus, it was Paracelsus’ belief that it was not the substance, which was toxic (since everything is toxic) but the amount. However, is this helpful? The big problem with people who fanatically follow Paracelsus comes down to this: hardcore believers in the dose makes the poison medical philosophy tend to forget one important thing and that is – poison poisons people, even at ultra low doses.
It is absurd to label pure water as poisonous
simply because one can drown in it.
The word poison was first recorded in Middle English in a work composed around 1200. A poison is any substance, which, when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism, destroys life or injures health. Poison is defined as any substance capable of producing a morbid, noxious or deadly effect. A poison is a material that inhibits other substances, especially enzymes, and the vital biochemical processes they are involved in. Enzymes are crucial because every chemical change that takes place to repair tissue or to assimilate food involves the activity of enzymes. Without enzyme activity there is no biological activity, no life.
A Dartmouth professor studying the chemical characteristics of an
organic form of mercury – diethyl mercury – spilled two drops of it
on her gloved hand. The first sign of mercury poisoning occurred four
months later when her speech began to be slurred. This was followed
by difficulty walking and loss of vision. She then fell into a coma and died.
With the solid reasoning of the dose makes the poison doctors and scientists feel free to play around with peoples’ blood streams hiding behind the assumption that a little more poison will not hurt you, it might even help!
The top five causes of poisoning in a recent study were, in order,
antidepressant medications, analgesics such as aspirin,
street drugs, cardiovascular drugs and alcohol.
Royal Society of Chemistry
The prolonged effects of low grade concentrations of toxic substances depend on individual susceptibility,” says Professor I.M. Trakhtenberg from the former Soviet Union. The science of low level toxicity is just being born and we are fast discovering that it matters what is happening on the parts per million, billion and even trillion level. As our instruments have become infinitely more sensitive, scientists have been able to penetrate into new worlds of chemical sensitivity that Paracelsus could not have possibly imagined. What industry and government have hid in the low numbers seen in parts per million becomes astronomical when calculated and plotted out as parts per trillion.
Markowski et al. demonstrate that even at extraordinarily
low levels– parts per trillion–dioxin can reduce motivation
in rats to perform in standard psychological testing.[2]
Fred vom Saal and his colleagues at the University of Missouri, Columbia, have published a series of papers documenting endocrine disrupting effects by bisphenol A at very low levels.[3] For example (graph below), male mice have dramatically enlarged and hypersensitized prostates in adulthood when exposed during in utero when their mother is fed bisphenol A at 2 parts per billion (2 micrograms per kg/day). In another experiment in vom Saal’s lab, Howdeshell et al. discovered that females exposed in the womb to comparable levels of BPA reach puberty early.
Nagel et al. 1997
The acceptable daily intake dose for bisphenol A, set by data reported by the Society of Plastics Industry based on a no-effect level of 50 milligrams/kg, or 50 parts per million. vom Saal’s data indicates the acceptable daily dose for this compound should be at least 25,000 times lower than the current standard.
Over 6 billion pounds of bisphenol A are used each year to
make polycarbonate plastics. First synthesized in 1957,
the material didn’t come into widespread use until the 1970s.[4]
The linear no threshold model or LNTM assumes that toxicity is linear and that this linear relationship continues to very small doses, that is to say that there is no threshold of exposure below which the response ceases to be linear. Thus we can trace an effect when each hostile atom or chemical compound is absorbed in the body. When looking at the parts per billion level we are often looking at heavy storms of toxicity constantly pushing up against the body’s defenses. Take it down to the parts per trillion scale and we have chemical hurricanes, stupendous amounts of atoms and chemical compounds that strike forcefully against cell physiology.
The Romans were aware that lead could cause serious health problems, even madness and death. However, they were so fond of its diverse uses that they minimized the hazards it posed. What they did not realize was that their everyday low-level exposure to the metal rendered them vulnerable to chronic lead poisoning, even while it spared them the full horrors of acute lead poisoning. Roman engineers in the end brought down the Roman Empire when they replaced their stone aqueducts with lead pipes for the transport and supply of drinking water, thus turning much of the Roman population into neurological cripples.[5]
What will they say in the future about us remains to be seen but certainly we have outdone the Romans as we produce and pollute the world with billions of tons of chemicals a year. The carbon dioxide mania is a cover up for the huge tonnage of mercury being put into the air when coal is burned.
Just as we settle nothing, when we try to resolve our debt problems by taking on more debt, it is the same in medicine. Neither toxic bodies, nor healthy bodies, are helped by taking in more toxicity. Healing by poison is an absurd concept but that is what we have mainstream doctors for—to treat or practice medicine in an obscene way.
[1] Kidney Cancer Linked to Acetaminophen, Nonaspirin NSAIDs; Renal & Urology News; February, 2013; http://www.renalandurologynews.com/kidney-cancer-linked-to-acetaminophen-nonaspirin-nsaids/article/281054/
[3] Our Stolen Future; Myths Exposed; Myths-Industry Challenges to vom Saal; Colburn T, et al; http://www.ourstolenfuture.org/Myths/vomsaal.htm
[5] EPA Journal – May 1985. Lewis, Jack.
Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)
Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
TLB recommends you visit http://drsircus.com for more great articles and pertinent information.
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