World Affairs

The Maersk Tigris Incident

May 6, 2015 0

Are we on the road to war with Iran? Ron Paul, as usual, was prescient when he warned – in 2007 – of a Gulf of Tonkin type incident in the Persian Gulf that could […]


Charlie Hebdo has broad shoulders

January 16, 2015 0

by Thierry Meyssan Fifty Heads of State and Government Participated in the Demonstration. In three days, in France, a group of four or five people claiming to be both al-Qaeda in Yemen and the Islamic […]

World Affairs

Who ordered the attack against Charlie Hebdo?

January 12, 2015 0

by Thierry Meyssan   this report, France 24 edited the video so that we do not see the attackers execute a fallen police officer. On January 7, 2015, commandos erupted in Paris, in the premises of […]

World Affairs

Killing Charlie: Cui Bono?

January 9, 2015 0

by PEPE ESCOBAR Putin did it. Sorry, he didn’t. In the end, it was not Russia “aggression” that attacked the heart of Europe. It was a pro-style jihadi commando. Cui bono? Careful planning and preparation; Kalashnikovs; rocket-propelled grenade launcher; balaclavas; sand-colored ammunition […]

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