By Jim White
I was contacted by a friend who asked me if I would like for him to reach out to filmmaker James Jaeger to be a guest on The Liberty Brothers Radio Show. Knowing James Jaeger’s filmography and his commitment to Constitutional principles, we were, of course, delighted for the opportunity to interview him.
Fresh off of his success with the film Molon Labe, James Jaeger is back at it again with the sequel to Molon Labe entitled, Midnight Ride: When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law. If Midnight Ride mirrors the excellence of Molon Labe, then it too will be one film that cannot be missed. I have included a bio for James Jaeger, followed by our interview late last week.
James Jaeger is a Telly Award-winning filmmaker (FIAT EMPIRE, featuring Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan) with over 25 years experience writing, directing and editing features, documentaries, TV commercials and multiple-camera live events. As a producer he has experience developing and packaging screenplays, private placements, public offerings and network licensing arrangements. Mr. Jaeger is also a pioneer in broadband distribution of motion pictures over the Internet and a founder of Pay-Per-View.Com. Influenced by his late grandfather, producer of the first medical training films in the United States (and the founder of the Department of Neurosurgery at Jefferson Medical College/Hospital), Mr. Jaeger began his career in entertainment around 1973 with employment at the Valley Forge Music Fair working on such shows as THE CARPENTERS, THE DAVID BRENNER SHOW, THE PEGGY FLEMMING SHOW and THE SONNY & CHER SHOW.
See Full Bio HERE…
Metal Sign: Warning Protected By 2nd Amendment Security
Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple
Contributed by Jim White of The Liberty Brothers Radio Show.
– See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/the-2nd-amendment-martial-law-and-a-midnight-ride_122014#sthash.tURsltJw.dpuf
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