The Plot To Take Down an American President – American Thinker

by Malcolm Out Loud, American Thinker:

Dr. Steve LaTulippe hosts, and Paul Engel joins us on this episode of The Voice of a Nation.

When Tucker Carlson asked former President Trump, “What’s next? Are they going to kill you?” His implication was clear: Why wouldn’t they kill you? Every other plan to demonize, terrorize, ostracize, and otherwise cancel Donald Trump has only made him more popular.

As Tucker pointed out, first came protests, then came impeachments, followed by indictments. Is the only way to be rid of Trump to assassinate him? That’s not an unreasonable question. To be sure, it’s been on their minds.


Tucker’s subject of Jeffrey Epstein was not random. Like Trump, Epstein had a lot of information that could have destroyed a lot of people in very high positions. When he finally got caught and imprisoned, he was in a very compromised position to do much damage to reputations, including past presidents, billionaires, and a host of Hollywood elites and international leaders. But he was imprisoned. Anything can happen in prison.

“Did Epstein kill himself?” Trump equivocated. “Maybe. I don’t know.” Tucker fully believes he was snuffed. Do you?

It makes sense. And so does the corollary that if they were able to imprison Trump and get him away from his personal security guards for just a brief time, well… things happen in prison. This would obviate the need for an outright assassination, with all the bother of answering for it. And they might possibly avoid an all-out revolution against the wayward government.

Guest Paul Engel cites the Constitution with its due process as being a protection, but the leftist cabal has shelved all law and order.

They have proven time and again that the rule of law means nothing to them. And the last thing they want is another honest and fair election.

That would mean the American Communist Party’s demise. The Uniparty and all its blackguard misfits would be toast if the people were to actually elect their chosen leader. That’s probably a global consensus.

What’s the option to surrender to the dark side?

There’s only one. We must take back our country.

But how? Do Americans really care all that much about their freedoms and individual God-given rights? How could that jive with a people who now reject God and Christianity?

Some say we deserve what’s coming. We are reaping what we’ve sown. But a verse of Scripture has been gaining much attention in the past few years. “If my people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

If the American empire does survive this coup, it shouldn’t be because of any one leader or organization or even a powerful counterterrorist team. It will be because the people of America humbled themselves, spurned the evil we have tacitly allowed and turned back to God.

Only then will our land be healed. This is the naked lesson of truth that shouts back at us from all of history. But take courage; we do have a choice. And a remnant always remains.

The issues highlighted in the first GOP primary debate were anemic and off-based. They do not resonate with the righteous remnants who are now raising their voices and being heard.

Maybe, just maybe, Americans are now seeing the light and understand the writing on the wall.

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