By Greg Hunter’s
Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says America is in conflict with itself. Mannarino explains, “We have a President who gets it. He’s obviously not a socialist, and there is no doubt this man has the back of America. . . . There is a literal war going on right now between political parties here. This is a deliberate effort by some to destabilize our country, to bring America to its knees from the inside. They want to basically throw this country into some kind of third world situation, and I don’t think it’s going to happen. I think there are too many people on the opposite side of this trade that want to see America succeed.”
Mannarino says that what is being done to Trump is really just the tip of the iceberg. Mannarino contends, “It’s much bigger than Trump. These people don’t just want to destroy this President, they want to subvert and destroy this country, our belief system and our values. This is what they want to do. The question is are we going to allow these people to succeed? That’s really the issue, and I don’t think so. I think there are enough people here, and I think it is most of your audience who understands what’s going on. This is not a battle against the President. This is a battle against our country and our citizens. This is much bigger than an attack on the President.”
According to Mannarino, this battle for America is having a negative effect on the dollar. Mannarino points out, “This is getting zero coverage on the mainstream media (MSM) right now, and that is what is happening to the U.S. dollar. Lots of people don’t realize this, but the dollar is being dumped right now—dumped bigtime by investors all over the world. Even people on CNBC are sitting there and asking what’s going on with the dollar? This is the side effect of what is occurring geopolitically because of this internal war that is occurring, this internal war. Could this turn around in a few days? Sure it could, but there always lies the possibility that this could gain momentum, and the dollar could sell off even further. It’s no secret that the U.S. dollar is a unit of debt, and it will someday achieve its real intrinsic value of zero. Are we beginning to see the beginning of that? Who knows? I am just outlining that, with the dollar, something is going on here.”
Mannarino says the market will always try to find fair value for stocks, bonds, real estate, currencies, gold and silver. Mannarino contends, “The market tried to correct itself in 2008. It was not a meltdown or a crash, it was a correction to fair value. Real estate was massively overvalued, and it was correcting to fair value. The stock market was massively overvalued. It was trying to correct to a fair value. We saw what happened to gold and silver as it went up. It was trying to move to fair value. This is what I have been saying, and that is nothing is real. I challenge anyone here to refute what I am about to say: There is not one asset class, not one, that has a real price discovery mechanism right now. How do we know this is true? The central banks, all of them, are distorting the debt market. It’s the largest part of this market, and they are artificially suppressing interest rates. This creates distortions, and every asset derives its value from what is occurring in the debt market. . . . So, if the debt market is not being allowed to achieve a fair value for the debt . . . then nothing across the spectrum of asset classes, including your house, is real. The price of it is fake. The price of your metals (gold and silver) is obviously fake. The value of your debt note is fake. You have to understand this to get a true perspective on what is occurring.”
In closing, Mannarino says the next meltdown will be far worse than the last, and it will involve the entire world. Mannarino predicts, “If the system melts down in its current form, in other words, we cannot acquire more and more debt, we can’t borrow from the future to sustain where we are now, half of the world’s population will not survive. That’s how dire this can be.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Gregory Mannarino, creator of
(There is much more in the video interview.)
After the Interview:
Mannarino says to protect yourself “become your own central bank.” That means routinely buy and hold physical precious metals. Do not trade them. Mannarino routinely converts his trading profits into physical precious metals. Mannarino has long said, “Silver is the most undervalued asset on the planet,” but he likes buying physical gold as well.
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