World Affairs

Why Is Europe Courting Revolution?

November 3, 2020 0

Alastair CROOKE All eyes remain on the U.S. election, and on fathoming its consequences. But in the shadow of ‘The Election’, there are other ‘moving parts’: Germany just offered Washington ‘a sweetheart deal’ in which, Europe […]


Trump, COVID and Your Mental Health

November 3, 2020 0

by Raúl Ilargi Meijer There are two things happening simultaneously in the world today that affect the lives of many millions of people, but that we are told we cannot talk about: Hunter Biden and a […]


The Great Reset for Dummies

November 2, 2020 0

Where do we go from here? Tessa Lena The peasants are getting fat, and they are breeding! Oh no.   What is “the Great Reset”? The Great Reset is a massively funded, desperately ambitious, internationally coordinated […]

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