The Anglo-Zionist Nemesis – A Nihilist Pact With The Losing Side Of History ?

by Paul Matthews

It is in the Book of Proverbs (16:18) of the Hebrew Bible that we may find the locution : Pride comes before a fall. The following report chronicles and contextualizes events and chapters in the saga of a post WWII world under an improvident leadership of Uncle Sam and argues that there is always a good reason to hope even in a period of undiminished gloom. As the freak show of the US presidential election unfolds in the self-reflected glare of the mainstream press and TV, the signs are that partisans of the Zionist Power bloc have finally met their match in the ‘odd couple’ of Vladimir and Bashar.

The heroic struggle of the Syrians commands respect. Bearing in mind the need to avoid the pitfall of idolatry, nobody in their right mind would query the force of character or moral authority of Iran’s Supreme Leader, ‘living martyr’ Ali Khamenei and his Lebanese protegé, Hezbollah’s General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah. They are assuredly the spiritual guides of their respective peoples. Yet outside their nations they would seem to lack the undoubted charisma of the Russian and Syrian heads of state who figuratively and, in the latter’s case, physically, stand head and shoulders above their peers,

One has to be destitute of vision not to see through NATO’s Partnership for Peace initiative by whose obscurantist credentials politicians are provided with a licence to kill ‘extra judicially’ on behalf of the central banking system ie those ‘ finance houses, debt merchants and investment banks’ that seek to straitjacket, downsize, enslave humanity and plunder the planet in tune with their ideological mix of zombie economics and voodoo capitalism.

A fatal combination of Jewish hubris and American exceptionalism has left the Chosen People and their Gentile friends in high places ill-prepared to counter the immense popularity and esteem which these two statesmen and their countrymen have earned for themselves, notably in the eyes of so many ordinary US and EU citizens. By contrast, as agents of the militaro-industrial complex of a military alliance visibly in decline, the lying politicians and media anchors supportive of Zion have reached a level of ignominy beneath contempt. This narrative proceeds in several phases …

Artificers of the Axis of Evil – for whom, like Leo Strauss, «deception is the norm in political life» …

‘Let them eat precaution ?’ A recipe for social darwinism, corporate malfeasance, global terrorism by Paul Matthews … 6108 Views July 25, 2016


Readers may be familiar with the above article. It showed how special interest groups exercise their lobbying power by usurping the functions of the judiciary and hijacking the prestige attached to the Nobel Prize system to promote activities detrimental to humanity and world peace. The forces thereby unleashed implement what are essentially odious policies of the central banking system that seeks to mould or anaesthetise public opinion, paralyse dissent and induce a popular sense of fatalism : telling us that, for example, while the Diary of Anne Frank is apparently acknowledged by experts to be a scientifically proven forgery, one can be accused – on a trumped up charge – of antisemitism and unlawfully prosecuted, fined or sent to prison for saying so in public.

A discriminatory pro-Israel, ‘Jews only’, neoliberal discourse monopolizes the political culture of the USA, its EU client states and other satellites. We learn from Robert Faurisson that Elie Wiesel and Simon Wiesenthal heartily detested one another and that the latter was as big a storyteller as the former. Tom Segev, a biographer of Simon Wiesenthal, explains how Wiesel, Wiesenthal and the Klarsfeld family competed with one another for public attention. Bickering among the divas is part of the act. Notoreity and celebrity are assets to ensure that the spotlight seldom wavers from the business of driving home the message concerning Jewish victimhood and to distract us from considering more fundamental subjects affecting negatively a much wider public interest.

Characterised in August 2003 by Justin Raimondo as an ‘intellectual street-walker’, hyper-sophist Ilana Mercer, née Isaacson, in her March 2003 article “The Jewish Connection” argues deceptively that GW Bush’s ‘vision’ for US intervention in the Middle East was in place before September 11, 2001 and that he was not ‘snookered into his power-hungry, messianic mania by a Jewish coterie’. She conveniently belittles the rôle of the 1997 ‘think tank’ Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and another 1996 ‘study group’ led by Richard Perle. It produced for Benjamin Netanyahu – the then Prime Minister of Israel – the seminal ‘policy document’ A Clean Break : A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. (q.v.) She similarly overlooks the existence of an even earlier Jewish Israeli blueprint for regional – prior to global – hegemony : the 1982 Oded Yinon Plan (q.v.).

It would also have been less disingenuous for her to admit to the formative influence and opportunism of a piece in the September 1990 issue of The Atlantic Magazine from the ‘orientalist’ and leading Anglo-Zionist, Bernard Lewis. It coins for the first time the expression ‘Islamic fundamentalists’ and popularises the socially divisive term ‘clash of civilizations‘ first used by Albert Camus in 1946. With the end of the Cold War visibly in sight, a newer big business friendly leadership model was required to (a) sustain the existence of an otherwise defunct NATO war machine and to (b) protect Israel. Fiercely opposed by Edward Said – a ‘public intellectual and pioneer of the study of post-colonialism’ – the gung ho British-American historian who is a ‘specialist’ in imperialist ‘oriental studies’ – and his pupil Samuel P Huntington – provide the wherewithal to fill the vacuum created by the collapse of the USSR even as the back room boys are busy concocting their new ‘Pearl Harbour’.

Why the river of Gentile blood from Pol Pot to ISIS never dried within a depotic ‘Free World’ matrix

«The ultimate cause of evil lies in the interaction of two human factors: (1) normal human ignorance and weakness and (2) the existence and action of a statistically small (4-8 per cent of the general population) but extremely active group of psychologically deviant individuals. The ignorance of the existence of such psychological differences is the first criterion of ponerogenesis. That is, such ignorance creates an opening whereby such individuals can act undetected». Political Ponerology Andrzej Łobaczewski (1921-2008)

In theology, ponerology (from Greek ponéros, πονηρός, “evil”) is the study of evil. It is related to the word “ponos” πόνος, which means pain. Political ponerology is an interdisciplinary study of issues connected with the genesis of evil on a macro-social level primarily associated with Polish psychiatrist Andrzej Łobaczewski. He was one of the founders of this anthropological discipline utilising data from psychology, sociology, history and philosophy to account for such phenomena as aggressive war, ethnic cleansing, genocide and despotism.

A test case for the scholarly scrutiny of evil genius is to be found in the ghastly example set by the exceedingly influential German born American diplomat and political scientist Henry Kissinger, né Heinz Alfred Kissinger. Despite the academic aura the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize winner has skilfully cultivated over the years, this is the ‘US peacemaker-cum-serial killer’ who, as US National Security Adviser (1969-1975) and US Secretary of State (1973-1977), oversaw the escalation of the socio-ecocidal Operation Ranch Hand (1962-1971) on the farmland acres and forests of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, the coordination of the twenty-two long years of Operación Cóndor/Operação Condor (1968-1980) in Latin America and of Operation Menu-Freedom Deal (1969-1973) when the US Strategic Air Command’s B52s dropped the equivalent of five Hiroshimas on rural Cambodia.

Highlights of the post 19th century concept of total war include the dropping of the uranium-based Little Boy and the plutonium-based Fat Man respectively on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – with the latter device wiping out most of Japan’s rather small Christian community – and the firebombing of Dresden, Hamburg and Tokyo.

Again featuring the massive use of napalm, under the aegis of the United Nations, the carpet bombing of North Korea destroyed an estimated 75 per cent of the urban centres and killed 20 per cent of the civilian population.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki cast a long shadow and without the Jews and their collective psychosis the design and manufacture of the Manhattan Project would probably have been impossible. In the wake of Suez, the 1956 Protocol of Sèvres awarded the Jewish state the wherewithal to build its own nuclear arsenal. Conveniently the ever contrite Germany offered Israel the means of an offshore nuclear second strike capability. The first two of the Dolphin class submersibles (Dolphin and Leviathan) were fully donated by Chancellor Helmut Kohl and the third (Tekumah) received a 50 per cent subsidy. A submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCM) tipped with a 200-kilogramme nuclear warhead containing up to 6 kilogrammes of plutonium provides an argument which reinforces significantly the type of pressure that previously was applied by a mere accusation of ‘antisemitism’.

SLCMs have a range of at least 1,500 km, bringing them within spitting distance of Western Asia, Southern Europe and North Africa. In 2010 a former Professor of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University brought this unpleasant truth home to Europeans. Dutch-born Doctor Martin Van Creveld, a world specialist in low-intensity wars, then suggested that were Europe to oppose the transfer of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank, in order to survive Tel Aviv would be forced to destroy the European capitals with nuclear weapons, it being decided that EU member states would be unable to retaliate without annihilating their ‘Palestinian friends’. He added that, while in 2008, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were of the opinion that the mass transfer of Arabs would be the best solution, two years later, according to a Gallup poll, the figure was 44 per cent. The radical swing to the extreme right in Israel is confirmed by Netanyahu’s March 2015 re-election. Already in 2014, a former speaker of the Knesset, Moshe Feiglin was unhesitatingly proposing to expel the Palestinians from Gaza into the Sinai.

He who pays the piper calls the tune. But no-one wants to face the music. Élitist ‘deep state security’ politics is about puppeteers projecting power via proxy wars and an utter disregard for human life orchestrated worldwide by the likes of BHL, Bernard Kouchner and all their friends in high places.Zionist Power Configuration people need ISIS and won’t see their brainchild easily defeated. No one is exempted from whatever violence ensues to serve solely the central banking system’s core interests. Evil afflicts believers and non-believers alike. Be they Buddhists, Moslems, Christians, Jews. devotees of other folk, traditional, shamanist, natural belief systems.

How Syria’s ‘weakest link’ survived to become a pillar of strength towering over his enemies

«Absolutely nothing predestined this – shy in temperament – doctor (he trained as an ophthalmologist in St Mary’s Hospital, Marylebone, London NDLR) to face, twenty years later, the united forces of what in the 1940s went under the incomplete term of “global or international Jewry” (in reality Zionism) and its influential Arab allies from the Persian Gulf, at the head of a very modest ‘Third World’ army and, at the moment. its survival is due to a fragile set of strategic alliances with China, Iran and Russia. The man at the head of a small country called the weakest link, finds herself unwillingly, struggling with the same formidable forces that sparked the great 1914-1918 slaughter and triggered the Second World War of 1939 -1945. Strange fate». Translated from : Le maillon le plus faible … 2518 vues 08 août 2016 11 commentaires Avec photographie du Capitaine Bashar Al-Assad (deuxième à partir de la droite) en 1994.

Purportedly the oligarchy’s strategists always go for the jugular and that implies seeking out the weak spots in any adversary’s defence mechanisms. In the recent article published with the title Le maillon le plus faible (Cf. supra) one can observe the photo of a tall and gangling 29 year-old Capitain Bashar Al-Assad taken in 1994, at about the time of the death in a car crash of his elder brother Bassel and six years before his father’s death in 2000, when he took over the reins of power and started timidly to reform, then resist with tenacity as Damascus became the target of moves to destabilise his country and unseat him. These took the form of US-led sanctions and a bid to smear first the Syrian president, then Hezbollah and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, by trying to implicate them in the 14 February 2005 murder of Rafic Hariri and 22 other people near the St. George Hotel in Beirut.

Given the retracted testimony, the flimsy, doctored evidence and the would be internationally sponsored UN inquiry thoroughly discredited by bias, Thierry Meyssan in his 29 November 2010 article, first published in Odnako, (q.v.) argues convincingly the case for the involvement of Mossad and Germany. A scenario becoming even clearer when one poses the question cui bono ? regarding the assassination of the former, Saudi friendly, Lebanese premier. The answer comes swiftly on the heels the inquisitor, with the so-called Cedar Revolution, an anti-Syrian alliance, resulting in the complete withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon on 27 April 2005.

Successive attempts have been made to tighten the noose around the neck of all elements friendly to Iran or the Shias – starting with the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party in Syria and the region’s other two, multi-confessional cum secular, non-aligned nations, namely the Lebanese and Iraqi republics – crowned by the London plot hatched in 2009 to overthrow the Syrian government – as testified by France’s former Foreign Affairs Minister, Roland Dumas, invited to join the conspiracy. Syria has been thrown under a bus, just like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya. Since the invasion by cut throat foreigners of this beautiful land, Bashar Al-Assad’s moral stature has grown – as has his people’s loyalty to their president – for they see lucidly the fate reserved for them by those bankrolling the élites of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey, France, Britain and the USA.

Like the Syrians, the Russians are under no illusions. Their situation is best summed up by a Russian born Jew who reportedly converted to Orthodox Christianity and writes under the alias, or pen name, of Israel Shamir :

«The DNC 2016 reminded me of The Triumph of the Will, the paradigmatic film of Leni Riefenstahl. The fiery oration of “four-star general of the Marine Corps” General (retired) Allen, ready to kick ass of the Russkies, flag-waving, hysterical rhythmical shouts Uoo-eS-Ay, runaway aggressiveness, military pomp and above all exceptionalism of “America is great because America is good”; the United States as an “indispensable, transformational power in the world,” the poisonous mix of Uber Alles and Manifest Destiny fits like a glove to the matrix established at the 1934 Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg, Germany. There similarity ends : the Demo version is all for the bankers and against the workers, while the Nazis called themselves “the workers party” and spoke against financial capital. The Nazis said they were for the family and the majority, the Dems say they do not care for workers’ votes, as they have enough votes from feminists and queers. And the Jews are now for, rather than against. The Jewish news agency JTA described General (ret) Allen fire-breathing delivery as “the Jewish moment at DNC … to further reassure the security hawks in the Jewish community” as he promised that “our armed forces will be stronger”. Bill Clinton came with a button saying Hillary in Hebrew, mobilising the Jewish community for Clinton and war […]

In words of Jeffrey Sachs, “Hillary is the candidate of Wall Street. Even more dangerous, though, is that she is the candidate of the military-industrial complex supporting every war demanded by the US deep security state run by the military and the CIA.” And now she and her party set their sights on Russia. The Russians have no say in this decision: they were formally appointed to the high post of The Enemy of the Empire, and this appointment requires no agreement of the victim. Why were the Russians chosen? Who else fits the bill ? The US war machine needs an enemy, and the world is not that large. Europe is subdued and occupied. China is too big, India is too soft, the Arabs are too small. Japan was fitted for an enemy in early Nineties, but surrendered. Putin perfectly understood the US war machine’s search for an enemy when he proposed to Americans at the UN they fight the Islamic State together with Russia. This nefarious Islamic State remains a possibility that will have to do, meanwhile, but for a greater and more serious enemy, able to attract nice budgets, Russia suits best. Russia has an additional charm: it is a successor state to the USSR, that was the designated enemy for the West for a long time, until 1991. Thus it is a traditional enemy. Hillary as a Goldwater Girl supported the most warlike Russia-hating candidate, and apparently she still remembers the thrill. It is true that Russia’s enemy status had been explained by the satanic nature of godless communism, and this explanation is as dead as a dodo, but explanations are not reasons, they are secondary rhetorical devices. The reason is the need for an enemy so the war budget will grow nicely and keep generals and weapon manufacturers in the lifestyle they are accustomed to…». The Reluctant Enemy by Israel Adam Shamir 4 August 2016 ///

Megalomaniac Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke in April 2016 of realigning the global power architecture

Not everyone enjoys the privilege of being a ‘Reluctant Enemy’. A mother of battles rages in Aleppo where lists of casualties mount. The Saker community is conscious of the sacrifices forced on and already made by Syrians and their allies. Blowback time for the EU from the Syrian and Ukrainian theatres proceeds apace with not a whisper from official media outlets whose soporific editorial line alternates with the need to maximize fear or panic and create the impression that violence is spiralling out of control. Kiev’s gunmen sought to infiltrate Crimea. Terrorists in NATO’s other spheres of influence get a free or helping hand from private ‘national’ state security services, working jointly with, or under the command of, Mossad’s sayanim. Europeans and Americans must pull up their socks if the “shaitans” (شياطين demons) and their Israeli handlers are to be rooted out chez eux.

‘Red in tooth and claw’, a stalemated EU-US combo snatches defeat from the jaws of victory

«… We need to have some sense that Assad is on the way out. There can be a transition ; but it needs to be clear that he is not part of Syria’s future. Until that happens – until that begins – until there is acknowledgement of that transition – we are going to have Syrians dying – continuing to die. Because many of them are trying to reclaim their country, for the good of Syria’s future, but many of them want Syria to be the safe haven for terrorists. So I don’t know whether or not Syria can be put back together again … ». WORLD NEWS | ASPEN INSTITUTE | Friday July 29, 2016 10:10pm EDT CIA chief Brennan not optimistic about Syria’s future as one country :

“Assad must go”. The same old tune. The senior American government official’s lietmotif – in a keynote speech at Washington’s Aspen Security Forum in late July 2016 – echo hasbara spouted in March earlier this year by academic James Stavridis, a retired four-star US Navy admiral and former NATO supreme allied commander.

To the effect that, like Humpty Dumpty in the children’s nursery rhyme, the odds of putting Syria back together again – as a functioning entity – appear low enough to consider partitioning the country once and for all. Lies.

On the contrary, what has been an Israeli wet dream since the 1982 Oded Yinon Plan is as far from coming to pass as the bid to erase Palestine from the collective memory of Arab speakers, be they Christian or Muslim.

Summer 2016 climaxed with state sponsored terrorism spilling over from Ukraine, Afghanistan, the Middle East and Asia Minor onto the streets of France, as tidings from trigger happy Police State America peppered the dystopian narrative and the airwaves were congested with a ludicrous manufactured outcry over the ‘burkini’.

With the memory of the dead in Nice – some decapitated – fresh in their minds, French people learn of the grisly murder during the July 2016 Aleppo offensive of a 12 year old Palestinian child Abdullah Tayseer Al Issa by a US backed Nour al-Din al-Zinki Movement. The current trail of some Israeli, but mostly Arab, blood spilled in a Jewish ‘power projection’ exercise is traceable to the death by fire of three members of the Dawabsheh family when their home in the West Bank village of Duma was torched by Jews in July 2015 and to the extrajudicial killing of 18 year old Hadeel al-Hashlamoun by the IDF at an army checkpoint in Hebron in September 2015.

In neighbouring Syria and Lebanon, resistance to the messianic “Hatikvah” agenda comes at a fearful cost in human and environmental terms of people slain and wounded, livelihoods and infrastructure wrecked. However politically and militarily, informational warfare is the key. The war for hearts and minds has been lost from the

Maghreb to the Mashreq. Obscene wealth concentration rots Europe’s, Israel’s and the USA’s social fabric.

So the protracted effort to enforce this ideological mantra of removing from office the Syrian republic’s legally elected president reminds us of the paradigm of the immovable object confronted with an allegedly unstoppable force – itself a paradox. To the extent that instead of beholding just a badly fractured and mutilated Syria, public opinion glimpses the diabolically flawed and irremediably fissured Atlanticist edifice. Le ver est dans le fruit.

Joe Biden demands from Serbia an allegiance to NATO that is offensive to all self respecting Serbs. To pacify ‘a disruptive citizenry’ Britain’s security forces suppress anti-fracking protests while, over the Channel, depleted of the means to police thousands of migrants endangering the lives of road hauliers, Calais resembles a war zone.

All’s grist to the mill when sowing discord and fomenting strife to enslave and spoliate others. Heeding history’s lessons means acknowledging the racially driven mindset of a mainly Ashkenazi intelligentsia, whose ‘culture’, ‘inventiveness’ and ‘social skills’ reflect the merciless chauvinism rooted in Jewish supremacism and Talmudic vengeance that fathered both Bolshevism and the tribal enterprise of Zion. In Syria the jury’s still out as pundits scratch their heads over Recep Erdoğan’s game. The world’s fate hangs in the balance and France’s finest legal minds discuss the pros and cons of banning modesty from the beach. For more news from the French banana republic, tune in to Panamza and Egalité et Renconciliation online – des mines d’or d’information subversive.

In the face of death threats both websites depict honestly a slice of life ‘beyond the pale’, ‘outside the bubble’ ‘scripted’ for us by a certifiable, criminally insane, terrorist minority culpable of a violent and suffocatingly long foreign occupation of Arab lands and attacks on the dignity and safety of defenceless civilians the world over.



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