By The Daily Sheeple
“What you hear in this video is from the audiobook of “The Iron Web,” a novel I wrote years ago. (The printed book and audiobook are at LarkenRose.com). These are the words of a fictional character in the book, and he says quite a bit more. And yes, the character is rather harsh in his condemnation of state-worship, but for a reason. If you have the story context of who is saying it, where, when, and why, some of it makes more sense. Many thanks to FreiwilligFrei for making this video.” – Larken Rose
The “rulers” actually don’t matter. They are vastly outnumbered by the people like you and me. The problem is those who legitimate the “rulers” with their votes, remaining silent when the “rulers” commit evils in their names.
Larken Rose is looking for answers to this absurd behavior and blames the concept of authority. From early childhood most people are conditioned to listen to authority when they try to figure out what is right and what is wrong instead of listening to their own hearts, their own conscience and their own moral values.
As adults they see everyone as a “good person” who blindly obeys any random authority. And in their pursuit of becoming such a “good person” they will use every means. In particular they love to oppose violently against those who stand up for true freedom. (source)
Larken Rose sums it up in one sentence:
“The problem is not those in power, the problem is right between your ears.”
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– See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/message-to-the-voting-cattle-from-larken-rose_092014#sthash.aMImwUxX.dpuf
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