By Simon Black
March 14, 2014
Ambergris Caye, Belize
My research team recently passed along a piece of legislation they were looking at called the “ENFORCE the Law Act of 2014.”
It immediately piqued my interest… because anytime you see all CAPS in government documents, it signifies some absurd acronym. And the ‘ENFORCE the Law Act’ did not disappoint.
ENFORCE stands for “Executive Needs to Faithfully Observe and Respect Congressional Enactments”.
And the stated objective of the legislation is “to protect the separation of powers in the Constitution of the United States by ensuring that the President takes care that the laws be faithfully executed. . .”
The bill goes on with specific language to authorize Congress bringing civil legal action against the President of the United States, or any cabinet secretary, for implementing some rule or executive order that does not conform with Article II of the Constitution.
This pretty much sums up the sad state of affairs in the Land of the Free.
When Congress has to pass a new law just to get the President of the United States to, you know, follow the Constitution that he swore to ‘support and defend’, you can be certain that the system has become broken beyond all repair.
This isn’t a commentary on the current POTUS; the disturbing trend of rapidly expanding executive abuse has been increasing for years.
It has nothing to do with Mr. Obama, or Mr. Bush before him, or future Presidents that will continue to expand their offices.
It’s the system itself that is fundamentally flawed. The model is simply no longer valid. Having an election and voting in a new commander-in-chief won’t fix the problem. All you’re doing is changing the players. It’s time to change the game.
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See original article here: http://www.sovereignman.com/trends/this-pretty-much-sums-up-the-sad-state-of-the-us-constitution-13807/
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