Nato propaganda tries to minimize the presence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine by comparing it with that of equivalent groups in the rest of the West. The truth is very different. Bandéristes have gradually taken over the country over the last 30 years, rewriting history, training the youth and changing all the symbols of the state one by one. They have indoctrinated a third of the population and represent a good third of the armed forces. Their goal is to destroy Russia, which they are trying to do with the help of the Straussians.
by Thierry Meyssan

This article is a follow-up to :
1. “Russia wants to force the US to respect the UN Charter,” January 4, 2022.
2. “Washington pursues RAND plan in Kazakhstan, then Transnistria,” January 11, 2022.
3. “Washington refuses to hear Russia and China,” January 18, 2022.
4. “Washington and London, deafened“, February 1, 2022.
5. “Washington and London try to preserve their domination over Europe“, February 8, 2022.
6. “Two interpretations of the Ukrainian affair”, 16 February 2022.
7. “Washington sounds the alarm, while its allies withdraw”, 22 February 2022.
8. “Russia declares war on the Straussians”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 5 March 2022.
9. “A gang of drug addicts and neo-nazis”, 5 March 2022.
10 “Israel stunned by Ukrainian neo-Nazis”, 8 March 2022.
11. “Ukraine: the great manipulation“, March 22, 2022.
12. “The New World Order being prepared under the pretext of war in Ukraine“, 29 March 2022.
13. “The war propaganda changes its shape”, 5 April 2022.
14. “The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the banditry“, 12 April 2022.
15. “The end of Western domination“, April 19, 2022.
In a previous article, I showed how and why MI6 and the CIA formed an alliance with Ukrainian Banderites during the Cold War. These men and women, who should have been tried at Nuremberg, became shadow soldiers for the victors. They could pursue their anti-Russian obsession at their service.
Following the numerous reactions of my readers, I would like to explain here how they took possession of the present Ukraine, then took over and continued the Second World War in several countries on their own. Above all, I would like to show that in the year 2000, these rabid people have changed from auxiliaries to US shock troops. They made a pact with the Straussians against Russia. It is this pact that has led to the present war.
When the Soviet Union faltered, the Banderite leaders from within came out of the shadows and into the mainstream. Some of them had survived the Second World War and the period of unrest that followed (1945-50). They had been pardoned by Nikita Khrushchev (a Ukrainian Soviet) in 1954 and had been taken over by the system. They had entered the communist administration. They had, however, retained links with each other and with the outside Banderites of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) [1] and the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) [2].
As the USSR faltered, a handful of students, some of whom were Banderites, organized a movement in October, 1990 in Maidan Square (then called “October Revolution Square”) against any form of association with Russia. This is what is called the “Granite Revolution”; a period of great intellectual confusion. At that time, many Ukrainians did not consider that the Russians wanted to free themselves from the Soviet regime as they did. Many thought that the USSR was a form of Russian imperialism and that the Russians had tried to destroy their country.
When Ukraine declared its independence on August 24, 1991, the Banderites in general came out in the open. They did not present themselves as former collaborators of the Nazis who had committed crimes against humanity, but as “nationalists” and anti-Soviet militants. They were able to get young conscripts to sign a document committing themselves to fighting Russia in the event of a conflict. They were also able to organize a public demonstration in the streets of the capital in 1992 with 7,000 people celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Banderite army with the participation of Banderites from outside who had returned to the country.

The internal Banderites (OUN-B) divided into the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine (SNPU) and then Svoboda (Freedom), while the more seasoned Banderites created the Ukrainian National Assembly and the Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense Militia.
The paramilitaries of Andriy Biletsky (the “White Führer”) administratively separated from Svoboda to create their own organization. But Svoboda did not change. The party’s platform continued to state that it intended to “physically liquidate all Russian-speaking intelligentsia and quickly slaughter all Ukrainophobes without trial. The party began to establish files of pro-Russians, pro-Romanians, pro-Hungarians and pro-Tatars because “this herd should be reduced by about 5 to 6 million individuals”.
The Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense Militia was chaired by an outsider Banderite, Yuriy Shukhevych, son of a notorious criminal against humanity. His group engaged with the CIA in wars against the Russians, often on the side of Islamists. Their presence was disputed with the Georgians in Abkhazia (1998), but attested to with the Romanians in Transnistria (1992), with Osama bin Laden’s Arab legion in Yugoslavia (1992-95), with the Azeris in Nagorno-Karabakh (until 1994) and above all with the Islamists in the first Chechen war.
Several fighters have been identified by the Russian prosecutor’s office, including Igor Mazur, Valeriy Bobrovich, Dmytro Korchynsky, Andriy Tyahni-bok (Oleh Tyahnibok’s brother), Dmytro Yarosh, Vladimir Ma-malyga and Olexandr Muzychko. They were characterized both by their fighting skills and their cruelty. Olexandr Muzychko was elevated to the title of “hero of the nation” by the Islamic Emirate of Itchkeria (Chechnya) for “breaking the fingers of [Russian] officers, gouging out their eyes, pulling out their fingernails and teeth, and shooting others. He became the head of Emir Djokhar Dudaev’s personal guard.

The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), which remained headquartered in Munich at the CIA, opened offices in Kiev.
In 1994, the president of the ABN and widow of Nazi Prime Minister Yaroslav Stetsko, Slava Stetsko, ran for parliament. She was elected (even though she did not have Ukrainian citizenship) and re-elected in 1998 and 2002. Dean of the Verkhovna Rada, she presided over the opening session on March 19, 1998 and on May 14, 2002. On these occasions, she gave speeches to the applause of her peers (but without the presence of the Communist deputies who left the room). She praised Stepan Bandera and Yaroslav Stetsko and concluded with their rallying cry, “Glory to Ukraine! » She died at the age of 82, on March 12, 2003, in Munich.
During his presidency, Leonid Kuchma privatized everything he could. The wealth was concentrated on thirteen actors, the oligarchs, grouped into three clans (Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Kiev). They soon had more power than the politicians. This system, which still persists, deprives Ukrainians of their sovereignty and blurs the lines.
In 2000, the journalist Georgiy Gongadze, who had gone to fight in Georgia with Banderites and then investigated the corruption of President Kushma and his entourage, disappeared. His body was later found decapitated and sprayed with dioxin to make it difficult to identify. It was then that the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada leaked tapes of a conversation between President Kuchma and his chief of staff and interior minister about how to silence Georgiy Gongadze. The end of the Kushma presidency was pathetic.
At the end of 2000, the US ambassador Lev E. Dobriansky (the leader of the Banderites in the USA) organized a bipartisan conference in Washington on US-Ukraine bilateral relations. 70 speeches were made and 12 working groups were held. The Republican delegation was led by Straussian Paul Wolfowitz and the Democratic delegation by Zbignew Brzezinki.
Wolfowitz spoke first. After praising the liquidation of nuclear weapons, the closure of the Chernobyl plant and membership in NATO’s Partnership for Peace, he announced the release of a $2.6 million IMF loan and Washington’s pressure for the EU to accept Ukraine as a member. Above all, he emphasized that Russia was still an imperialist power, as shown by the war in Chechnya in which the Banderites participated. It was therefore necessary to support them against Russia.
Brzezinski, on the other hand, compared Ukraine to Russia, finding it more democratic and less corrupt. He pleaded at length for Ukraine to be considered not as a post-Soviet state, but as a European one, and to be allowed to join the closed club of the European Union.
The inevitable had been pronounced: the Banderite allies of the Cold War were now recognized as allies of the United States in the unipolar world under construction.

The presidential succession was not to change the balance between the clans. Kushma (Dnipropetrovsk clan) eventually fell back on the candidacy of his Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych (Donestk clan). The election was favourable to him, but provoked a fierce protest maintained by the Kiev clan (supported by the National Endowment for Democracy – NED [3]). The election was cancelled. In the second vote, Viktor Yushchenko won. This is what is known as the “Orange Revolution”.
However, the new team quickly fractured behind Viktor Yushchenko on the one hand and Yulia Tymoshenko on the other. The Banderites took advantage of this internal split in the oligarchy to advance their pawns a little further in both camps.

On May 8, 2007, in Ternopol, on the initiative of the CIA, the Banderites of the Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense and the Islamists created an anti-Russian “Anti-Imperialist Front” under the joint chairmanship of Dmytro Yarosh and the Emir of Itchkeria, Dokka Umarov. Organizations from Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Russia participated, including the Islamist separatists from Crimea, Adygea, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Ossetia, Chechnya. Dokka Umarov, who was unable to go there due to international sanctions, had his contribution read out. Alfred Rosenberg’s Ministry of the East and Stepan Bandera’s ABN were revived in another form under the shelter of the Ukrainian state.
The division of the Kiev clan benefited the election of Viktor Yanukovych in 2010. He replaced the clan system with his family, which he placed in the top positions of the state. It became more important to maintain good relations with a relative than to represent a particular oligarch. Gradually, all political and economic life was controlled by President Yanukovych through his political party, the Party of Regions. Five oligarchs were excluded from the system. They would ally with the Straussians and the Banderites to regain power.
However, during this period, the propaganda continued and Ukrainians got used to the presence of the Banderites, now financed by the Jewish oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi. In 2011, they succeeded in passing a law prohibiting the commemoration of the end of World War II because it was won by the Soviets and lost by the Banderites. But President Viktor Yushchenko refused to enact it. Furious, the Banderites attacked the procession of Red Army veterans, beating up old men. Two years later, the cities of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk abolished the Victory Day ceremonies and banned all celebrations. President Yushchenko, shortly before the end of his term elevated Stepan Bandera to the title of « Hero of the Nation ».
When the Communist Party was astonished that a Jew was financing neo-Nazis, the Jewish Committee of Ukraine replied that he was relaying a new version of the anti-Semitic claim that it was the Jews who brought the Bolsheviks to power and that it was the Jews who started the Second World War.
The Revolution of Dignity in 2014 was organized by the Straussian Victoria Nuland with the help of battle-hardened Banderites. These events are known to all, I will not return to them. This time it was an oligarch, Petro Poroshenko, who became president. The official posts were squatted by the Banderites. A third of the ministers were from Slovoda or the Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense Militia. Andriy Parubiy became secretary of the National Security and Defense Council and Dmytro Yarosh his deputy. Immediately the new regime banned the Russian language even though more than 40% of the population spoke it at home.
Refusing this return of history, Crimea voted for independence and joined the Russian Federation, while the Donbass oblasts (Donetsk and Lugnask) declared themselves autonomous.
In March 2014, the Ukrainian National Assembly and the Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense militia changed their names to the Right Sector under the leadership of Dmytro Yarosh and Andriy Biletskiy.
In April 2015, the Verkhovna Rada declared members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) “independence fighters.” The law was enacted, in December 2018, by President Prorchenko. Former Waffen SS were retrospectively entitled to retirement and all sorts of benefits.
School curricula were changed so that children learned the new history: the Second World War is not over. It will soon end with the defeat of Russia and the triumph of Ukraine.
The Banderites imposed their law everywhere in the manner of the Nazi assault sections (SA) of the 1930s. They entered courts to threaten judges, administrations to coerce mayors and governors. Their most famous exaction was the burning of the trade union house in Odessa [4].
No one was overly concerned when Irina Farion, a Svoboda MP from 2012 to 2014, declared that “We have only one way: to destroy Moscow. This is what we live for, this is what we came into the world for: to destroy Moscow. To destroy not only the Muscovites on our land, but this black hole of European security which must be wiped off the world map,”

The Jewish oligarch and sponsor of the Banderites, Ihor Kolomoyskyi, launched the humorist Volodymyr Zelensky into politics. He broadcast his television series Servant of the People, then organized a political party for him and finally presented him to the presidential election.
Alexej Arystowitsch, President Zelenski’s strategic communications advisor, asks in a political communications class, “How can we cheat? Who can define the principles?”, then noticing that the answers do not come, he says: “You have to say exactly the opposite. If you are strong, show that you are weak. If you are close, show that you are far. If you are far away, show that you are close. You have to do the opposite of the actual situation. Note that this is not a trivial matter. How exactly do you cheat? What direction to choose to cheat in order to cheat correctly and successfully. To deceive, to put it scientifically “
His program consists of six points:
Decentralize power in accordance with European standards
Transform public administrations into European-style prefectures
Raise the standard of living of Ukrainians to a level above the European average
Adopt laws necessary for the implementation of an association agreement between Ukraine and the EU
Develop cooperation with the EU and NATO
Reform the armed forces in accordance with NATO standards.
Ukrainians who appreciated the crusade of this young artist against corruption, are seduced by his European dream and do not understand what his admiration for Nato means, elected him with 73% of the vote on April 21, 2019.
In March 2021, the city of Ternopol, and then the Lviv oblast renamed their stadiums in honor of General Roman Shukhevych (the father of the founder of the Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense Militia) and Stepan Bandera.
On July 1, 2021, President Volodymyr Zelenski promulgated the law on indigenous peoples of Ukraine. By default, citizens of Russian origin can no longer invoke human rights in court.
On November 2, 2021, Dmitryo Yarosh became an advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armies, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi. All Banderite paramilitary organizations, 102,000 men were incorporated into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A plan of attack on Crimea and Donbass was drawn up. NATO, which already had military instructors on site, sent weapons.
On February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin attacked Ukraine to “denazify the country ».
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