A State Of Denial

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Authored by Sven Henrich via NorthmanTrader.com,

Once again investors are made to believe that nothing matters. Only 2 trading days after Friday’s sell off $NDX made new all time history highs. Only 3 days after Friday’s sell-off $SPX made a new all time closing high. Only 4 days after Friday’s sell off $DJIA, $SPX and $NDX make new all time human history highs in premarket. Fours day, four up gaps, all unfilled at the time of this writing. The market of the overnight gap ups.

Why? Because the economic impact of the coronavirus is over or contained? Of course not, it’s far from any of that. Shutdowns persist, warnings of individual companies are mounting i.e. $TSLA, tumbling a day after the technical warning issued,  global economic growth estimates are coming down and with them invariably take downs in earnings estimates.

What do markets do? Make new all time highs, back on the multiple expansion game from 2019 when no slowdown in earnings mattered as the liquidity injections from our central bank overlords overrode everything.

This week the PBOC injected liquidity, the Fed kept flushing repo liquidity into the system, and of course a continued buying of treasure bills.

And so markets continue on their path of never pricing in any bad news and continue to disconnect farther and farther from the underlying size of the global economy no matter the ongoing data:

German factory orders:

Baltic Dry Index:

But there are no bubbles central bankers tell us. Don’t insult our intelligence I say. Especially since they perfectly well know that policies and words are closely followed by markets and are market impacting:

Yet in the same breadth they tell us their polices are not to blame for the distortions created in markets.

Here’s ECB president Lagarde today in full denial mode:

Don’t blame our negative interest rate policies for housing price increases or bank profitability issues.

And besides there is no housing bubble when ordinary people struggle keeping up with ever rising house prices:

But there is no inflation they same in the same breath.

Any wonder there are trust issues:

We don’t believe you.

And central banks in denial about the distortions they have created and continue to create is not a recipe for long term success.

Fact is they remain trapped and beholden to a market whose entire valuation scheme and price discovery mechanism remains entirely dependent on ongoing central bank intervention.

It’s a historic absurdity we are witness to and an ultimate tragedy unfolding before our eyes.

Central banks are in denial about the existence of the financial bubbles and distortions they themselves have created.
For to admit them would be to take responsibility and acknowledge that asset prices are sky high overvalued which in itself could lead to a risk off event as the admission of bubbles would lead to a loss in confidence, confidence which must always be maintained.

Central banks are residing in glass tower la la land. There is no trust, no transparency, no accountability. Only denial.

And so we see a market running on nothing but optimism despite continued disappointment about the reality on the ground:

Lions and tigers and bears. Oh my!



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